Power Moons in Super Mario Odyssey are the new Stars, which means you need to collect as many as possible! Each Kingdom has a minimum number to collect in order to to advance to the next Kingdom, but there are many more hidden through each level.
The Metro Kingdom requires players to find 20 Power Moons to advance. However, if you want to see everything the level has to offer, you’ll need to be on the lookout for a whopping 81 Power Moons. That makes the Metro Kingdom the area with the second-most Power Moons in Super Mario Odyssey, behind the Sand Kingdom. Many of these can only be found after completing the main story, so it’s best to come back once you’ve wrapped everything up.
Minor spoilers below, so read at your own risk:
Power Moon Location #1 - New Donk City’s Pest Problem
Earned by defeating Mechawiggler. Capture a Sherm and shoot at the Mechawiggler when it is glowing. Hit all the glowing areas to turn the Mechawiggler purple, then keep firing to do damage. Dodge all the incoming attacks and blow up the Mechawiggler for this Power Moon.
Power Moon Location #2 - Drummer On Board!
Once the Mechawiggler is destroyed, Mayor Pauline wants to hire a band. The drummer is on the street right next to the Mayor’s office. Talk to him for a Power Moon.
Power Moon Location #3 - Guitarist On Board!
The second member of the band is the guitarist, located in the park right at the front of the big area. You can’t miss him if you’re coming from the Odyssey. Talk to him for a Power Moon.
Power Moon Location #4 - Bassist On Board!
The bassist is on the island next to the Mayor’s office. Capture the glowing spark pylon to shoot yourself over to the island and talk to him for a Power Moon.
Power Moon Location #5 - Trumpeter On Board!
This is the hardest band member to find. Start by capturing the orange traffic post across the street from the Outdoor Cafe. Shot yourself up the side of the building, then find more orange posts to reach the top. Once up here, capture the orange post on the roof to shoot yourself over to the triangular-shaped building’s roof. Talk to the trumpeter up here to get a Power Moon.
Power Moon Location #6 - Powering Up The Station
Once the band has been formed, Mayor Pauline tells you to help with the sewers. Open up the manhole next to the Outdoor Cafe to drop down and start the platforming challenge. Once through, you’ll need to kill two big poisonous Piranha Plants for the Power Moon.
Power Moon Location #7 - A Traditional Festival!
Once you complete Moons 1-6, you’ll have access to the New Donk City Festival. Complete the 2D segment and talk to Mayor Pauline to get this Multi-Moon.
Power Moon Location #8 - Inside An Iron Girder
Once in the main area of New Donk City, go down the main street and take the second left. At the end of the road is a shop with a Tostarenan inside. There’s also a stack of breakable boxes. Break the boxes and walk down the path in the girder for this Power Moon.
Power Moon Location #9 - Swaying In The Breeze
In the main area of New Donk City, go down the main street and take the first left. Go to the end of the street to see two girders spinning in opposite directions. Hop along them to the end to collect this Power Moon.
Power Moon Location #10 - Girder Sandwich
There are a series of vertical girders on the east side of the city. Jump your way to the top of the smaller girder to spot this Power Moon. Do a wall jump up to the top of the higher girder to get it.
Power Moon Location #11 - Glittering Above The City
Get to the top of New Donk City Hall and find a rooftop with a pool. Get to that rooftop and jump on an umbrella to find this Power Moon.
Power Moon Location #12 - Dizzying Heights
Get all the way to the top of New Donk City Hall, then climb up the spire at the top to get even higher. Jump off the top of the spire to collect the Power Moon.
Power Moon Location #13 - Secret Girder Tunnel!
On the platform with the Odyssey, look around for an open girder. Enter it for an easy Power Moon.
Power Moon Location #14 - Who Piled Garbage On This?
Jump on the taxi directly behind the scooter to get to the nearby building’s fire escape. Climb up to the roof of the building, then jump along nearby roofs to find a small pile of boxes and garbage bags. Throw Cappy at the garbage and ground pound the area for a Power Moon.
Power Moon Location #15 - Hidden In The Scrap
On the island where you find the bassist for #4, there’s a broken down robot. Ground pound on the robot body to dig up this Power Moon.
Power Moon Location #16 - Left At The Cafe?
Get to the rooftop cafe by using the spark pylon in the rear of a building in the northwest corner of the city. Once up at the cafe, feel for vibrations in the controllers. Ground pound where the vibrations are strongest to find a Power Moon.
Power Moon Location #17 - Caught Hopping On A Building!
That darn bunny from the other levels is back. To find him, use the Rooftop Garden warp flag, then capture an orange traffic pole. Fling yourself over to a roof with a tree, with people sitting on a nearby bench. Chase the rabbit and throw Cappy at it to stun it. Catch the rabbit for your Power Moon.
Power Moon Location #18 - How Do They Take Out The Trash?
Get to the very top of the New Donk City Hall building. Once up there, go to the northeast corner and look for a helipad. You’ll see a tall girder with a dumpster on it. Jump for the dumpster, doing a tackle jump half way. Once there, you’ll get a Power Moon.
Power Moon Location #19 - Metro Kingdom Timer Challenge I
Right next to the girder tunnel used for Moon #8 is a scarecrow. Throw Cappy on it to start the timer challenge. Complete the see-saw puzzle to access this Power Moon. It might take you a few tries to get the timing and angles just right.
Power Moon Location #20 - Metro Kingdom Timer Challenge 2
On the very top of New Donk City Hall is a scooter and a P-switch. Get on the scooter and run over the switch to start the timer for this challenge. Ride clockwise around the platform that shows up to get a key. Once you have that, go as fast as you can to the Power Moon to collect it. If you fail, warp to the New Donk City Hall flag, drop down one level, and find the spark pylon to shoot yourself back to the top of the building.
Power Moon Location #21 - City Gardening: Building Planter
Find three seeds in the park at the front of the main city area, right next to Talkatoo. Take a seed and jump on the taxi across the street to reach the fire escape. Climb up to the roof to find the pot to put the seed in. Come back in a half hour or so to collect this Power Moon.
Power Moon Location #22 - City Gardening: Plaza Planter
Get a seed again in the same place as #21. This pot is right next to you in the park. Throw the seed in and come back later for a Power Moon.
Power Moon Location #23 - City Gardening: Rooftop Planter
Take the final seed from the park area and find the slot machine building from #28. Wall jump to the top, then walk along the other building’s ledge to get to a second rooftop. Put the seed in the pot up here and come back later for a Power Moon.
Power Moon Location #24 - How You Doin’, Captain Toad?
Go to the rear of New Donk City Hall to find girders sticking out of the side of the city edge. Walk along them to find Captain Toad. Talk to Toad for your Power Moon.
Power Moon Location #25 - Free Parking: Rooftop Hop
Get on a scooter and drive it to the scaffolding stairs to the right of New Donk City Hall. Carefully drive up the stairs to the roof. Jump up the building from here on the scooter to find a man standing next to a parking meter. Drive up the ramp next to him and he’ll give you a Power Moon.
Power Moon Location #26 - Bench Friends
Find a man sitting on a bench saying “Boy, I tell ya. This City.” Sit on the bench next to him for a short period of time for an easy Power Moon.
Power Moon Location #27 - Shopping In New Donk City
Buy the Power Moon from the Crazy Cap store.
Power Moon Location #28 - Metro Kingdom Slots
Enter the slot machine building with the Tostarenan inside. Play the slots and stop each of the four pictures on the Power Moon image to claim your reward.
Power Moon Location #29 - Jump-Rope Hero
Find the people playing with a jump rope in the park at the front of the main city area. Jump over the jump rope 30 times in a row to get a Power Moon.
Power Moon Location #30 - Jump-Rope Genius
Do the same thing as #29, but jump over the rope 100 times in a row to unlock this Power Moon.
Power Moon Location #31 - Remotely Captured Car
Capture the New Donk City resident playing around with a remote control car right at the front of the main city area. Drive the car under the cage for this Power Moon.
Power Moon Location #32 - RC Car Pro!
Right past the man playing with the RC Car is another man at an open doorway. Go through the door to find the indoor race track. Capture a New Donk City resident and race his car around the track. Complete three laps in under 30 seconds for your prize.
Power Moon Location #33 - Taking Notes: In The Private Room
Find the open door on the main street past the Crazy Cap store. Go inside to find a treble clef and two 8-bit pipes. Collect the treble clef to make notes appear. Go in the pipe and get the two stacks of notes. This makes a ring of notes appear around the room. Collect these to make a third set of notes appear. Collect them all within the time limit for the Power Moon.
Power Moon Location #34 - City Hall Lost & Found
Warp to the New Donk City Hall flag, then enter the skyscraper platforming area. Climb up until you get to the second black and yellow striped pole to climb. Instead of jumping to the breakable platforms, climb to the top of the pole, jump off into a wall jump, and start climbing the pole directly above you. Once up here, jump from pole to pole until you can climb up a few more platforms to find a treasure chest with a Power Moon inside.
Power Moon Location #35 - Sewer Treasure
Go down the manhole into the sewer where you got Moon #6. Go through the platforming section until you get to the final rotating platform, the one that rotates vertically. Jump on it and run to the back, so you can stand on the side once it goes vertical. From here, jump to a platform with a Power Moon on it.
Power Moon Location #36 - Celebrating In The Streets
While doing the long 2D festival section for Moon #7, get to the point where you’re upside down, jumping over flaming oil barrels. You’ll find three ? blocks. Hop on them and jump up to reveal a hidden block. Jump on this and into a warp pipe. Once through the pipe, you’ll end in an area with a Power Moon. You can revisit the festival course at any time by talking to a man in the New Donk City Hall Auditorium.
Power Moon Location #37 - Pushing Through The Crowd
Enter the building directly beyond the Outdoor Cafe flag. Throw Cappy at the lever on the left to make a Power Moon appear. Jump on top of everyone’s heads to make your way through the crowd and snag it.
Power Moon Location #38 - High Above The Crowd
In the same area at #37, get to the green awning by the warp pipe at the end of the alley. Bounce on this to the platform above. Swing on the red poles to another platform with a Power Moon.
Power Moon Location #39 - Rewiring The Neighborhood
Buy the Builder outfit and Builder hat from the Crazy Cap store. Wear the outfit, then talk to a man standing outside of the building directly to the left of New Donk City Hall. Once inside, take the path on the right and keep going forward until you get to an area with moon shards on wires. Toss Cappy to capture the spark pylon and move through the maze of wires avoiding enemies and collecting all five shards to reveal the Power Moon.
Power Moon Location #40 - Off The Beaten Wire
When completing Moon #39, you’ll shoot up and over a building while riding on a wire. Jump out of the capture to land on this building. Drop to the building next to it and smash open the crates for a Power Moon.
Power Moon Location #41 - Moon Shards Under Siege
Capture the taxi parked across the street from the Crazy Cap store. It will drive you to a new location with a bunch of Sherms. Capture a Sherm and basically blow everything up to find moon shards. One is located on a bridge you create by blowing up a block of metal. One is found after blowing up a rusty cab. The third is up a ramp, tucked away alongside the building. The fourth can be seen across the area. Shoot it to collect it. The fifth is all the way at the top past the other Sherms. Blow them up and destroy some scrap metal blocks to find it.
Power Moon Location #42 - Sharpshooting Under Siege
Ride the same cab you took to get to #41. Capture a Sherm and get to the bottom of the stairs by the rusty caps. Look high above the stairs to find three scrap metal blocks way up there. Blow the blocks up with the Sherm. Now, move along the walkway until you get to the location of the fifth moon shard from #41. Create a walkway across to the Power Moon by shooting at the ground to make invisible blocks show up.
Power Moon Location #43 - Inside The Rotating Maze
Capture the manhole by the Crazy Cap store and move to create an opening. Drop down to enter a big maze area. Make your way through the maze by throwing Cappy at the yellow walls to rotate them. Collect all the moon shards in here to find the Power Moon.
Power Moon Location #44 - Outside The Rotating Maze
Enter the same area you did for #43. Instead of going in the maze, ground pound to get on top of it. Walk to the far side to find a ledge to drop down to with a Power Moon on it.
Power Moon Location #45 - Hanging From A High-Rise
Go down the warp pipe at the end of the alley you went to for Moons #37 and #38. Capture the rocket on this island to get to a big skyscraper. Jump along the red bars until you get to a platform. Wrap yourself around the building to get to three rotating plus signs with red bars on each arm. Jump from these when you’re in the top position to get to the next one. Keep going until you get to a platform with a Power Moon.
Power Moon Location #46 - Vaulting Up A High-Rise
Follow the steps for #45, but don’t jump to the platform that wraps you around the side of the building. Instead, ride the red pole that moves vertically all the way to the top. Jump from here into the blue wall to do a wall jump to the next pole above you. Keep doing this to climb up to a platform with a Power Moon on it.
Power Moon Location #47 - Bullet Billding
Walk down the main street until you find an alley to the right with an open door at the end of it. Go in to find a building with moving black and yellow striped poles. Climb up them to get to an area with Bullet Bills coming at you from three different cannons. Hide on the back side of the poles while jumping from one to the next to get to a platform with a Power Moon on it.
Power Moon Location #48 - One Man’s Trash…
In the same area as #47, climb up to the Bullet Bills again. Capture a Bullet Bill and fly out to a floating platform with a dumpster on it. Open the dumpster for another Power Moon.
Power Moon Location #49 - Motor Scooter: Escape!
Enter the triangular building across from New Donk City Hall. Get on the scooter then drive and jump your way down the path while avoiding the T-Rex. Make it to the end of the path for a Power Moon.
Power Moon Location #50 - Big Jump: Escape!
In the same area as #49, about half-way through you’ll need to find a tall stack of wooden crates. Jump on top to find another Power Moon floating above the boxes.
Power Moon Location #51 - Secret Path To New Donk City!
Warp to Jaxi Ruins in the Sand Kingdom. Find a warp painting on the side of a pillar. Jump into it to be warped to New Donk City and a new Power Moon.
Power Moon Location #52 - A Tourist In Metro Kingdom!
After beating Bowser, go to the Sand Kingdom to start a mission involving a Tostarenan and his cab driver. After talking to him, he will go to Metro Kingdom. Go back to Metro Kingdom and talk to him again. Warp to Main Street Entrance to find him and talk to him for a Power Moon.
Power Moon Location #53 - Found With Metro Kingdom Art
Get to the top of the triangular building that you entered for #49 and #50. Drop down to a ledge near the top to find the Hint Art. It points to the third floor of the Water Plaza in Lake Kingdom. Get to the third floor and ground pound the tile the dog is looking at in the art.
Power Moon Location #54 - Bird Travelling In The City
Look for the sparkling bird flying above the park at the front of the main city area. Wait for it to get close then bounce on a taxi and throw Cappy at it for a Power Moon.
Power Moon Location #55 - Mario Signs His Name
In the park at the front of the main city area, there are five giant letters that spell “Mario.” Capture the letters and put them in order on the pedestals to unlock a Power Moon.
Power Moon Location #56 - Surprise Clown!
Buy the Clown Hat and Clown Suit from the Luncheon Kingdom, then return to New Donk City while wearing them. Go behind New Donk City Hall and take a left to walk all the way down to the edge of the city. Find a sad man and talk to him to cheer him up and get his Power Moon.
Power Moon Location #57 - A Request From The Mayor
Talk to Mayor Pauline to answer her quiz questions. You need four right in a row to pass. The questions and answers are as follows:
What do I just adore? Cake.
What is my most treasured possession? A hat.
What do you think my hobby is? Going on walks.
What do I plan to eat for dinner tonight? Fried mushrooms.
What am I bad with? Fixing machines.
Which of these things did I actually do a long time ago? Captured by ape.
Once done, Pauline starts fishing for birthday presents. Warp to the Helipad, then drop down to the metal platform below. There’s a purse here, so grab it and take it to Pauline for your Power Moon.
Power Moon Location #58 - Jammin’ In The Metro Kingdom
Talk to the Toad listening to music in the park at the front of the main city area. When asked to give him a track to listen to, pick song #80 “RC Car” for a Power Moon. The song is unlocked if you participate in any RC car races in the RC room.
Power Moon Location #59 - Sphynx In The City
Capture the Binoculars next to the Main Street Entrance warp flag. Once you’ve raised up into the air, look to the northwest to find what look like two sails floating in the sky. Zoom in to spot the Sphynx. Just looking at it will make a Power Moon appear in the park right next to you.
Power Moon Location #60 - Free Parking: Leap Of Faith
Get to the scooter and P-switch on the tip top of New Donk City Hall. Drive over the switch to create some platforms. Drive along the platform until you’re pointed south, then jump off. You need to land on the rooftop just beyond the one with the big red button on it. From here, jump onto the next roof, where there’s a man waiting by a parking meter. Park your scooter for a Power Moon.
Power Moon Location #61 - Metro Kingdom Regular Cup
Use the spark pylon next to the park at the front of the main city area to shoot yourself up to the roof. Use the next spark pylon to get to another roof and find the Koopa who wants to race. Talk to him to start the race. You need to get to the rooftop pool, so jump to the roof on the left with the big red button. Ground pound the button to create a pathway, run along it, then use the orange traffic pole to fling yourself to the balcony (you’ll need to dive jump to clear the gap). Once up here, bounce on the umbrella and fling your way up to the finish line.
Power Moon Location #62 - Hat-And-Seek: In The City
Find a man walking around the sidewalks with a hat on that has eyes on the back. Talk to the hat and it will give you a Power Moon.
Power Moon Location #63 - Powering Up The Power Plant
Go into the power plant from Moon #6 and make it through to the last room. Capture the huge block, then roll down, left, up, right, right, up, left and up again to get the block to fit correctly in the slot.
Power Moon Location #64 - Up On The Big Screen
Find the open door with a long line of people standing out front. Go in to find a movie theater with the original Super Mario Bros. start screen on it. Go into the pipe on the left and find all the moon shards on the classic 1-1 level of Super Mario Bros.
Power Moon Location #65 - Down Inside The Big Screen
While completing the level for Moon #64, go down the fourth warp pipe to the room filled with coins. There’s also a Power Moon here to claim.
Power Moon Location #66 - Peach In The Metro Kingdom
Go to the building with the slots from Moon #28, then wall jump up the back to get to the roof. Walk around the ledge of the building here to find poles to fling yourself up to the roof. Get up here to find Peach and a Power Moon.

To gain access to Power Moons 67-81, you’ll need to return after defeating Bowser and smashing the moon rock. It will show where the rest of the Power Moons are.
Power Moon Location #67 - Hanging Between Buildings
Get to the building with the large red button on it. Ground pound the button. Go to the narrow section of the path that appears after you hit the button, and do a ground pound to jump up to the Power Moon above you.
Power Moon Location #68 - Crossing Lines
Warp to the Rooftop Garden flag, then capture the spark pylon here to start shooting down the wire. When you see coins, release the capture to go flying up to get them and a Power Moon.
Power Moon Location #69 - Out Of A Crate In The City
Wall jump to the top of the building you can enter to get to the crowded alley for Moons #37 and #38. Once up here, smash a crate to release a Power Moon. Use the dive jump from the top of the water tank to reach the Power Moon.
Power Moon Location #70 - Bird Travelling In The Park
Warp to the Mayor Pauline Memorial Park and look for a sparkling bird flying around. Get to a spot where you can reach the bird, wait for it to come near, then jump up and claim your Power Moon.
Power Moon Location #71 - Metro Kingdom Timer Challenge 3
Find the scarecrow by the Crazy Cap store to start this challenge. Make sure to triple jump the beam to clear the gap to claim the Power Moon.
Power Moon Location #72 - Found In The Park! Good Dog!
Find the dog in Mayor Pauline Memorial Park. Walk the dog and ground pound the areas he starts digging at. Eventually he’ll lead you to a Power Moon.
Power Moon Location #73 - RC Car Champ!
Go back to the RC Car area from Moon #32. You’ll need to complete three laps again, but this time you must finish in under 26 seconds.
Power Moon Location #74 - Metro Kingdom Master Cup
It’s time to do the same race that you did for #61, but faster. Finish in first place for another Power Moon. There are a few ways to win, but follow the Koopas who win, learn their routes and do them yourself, but faster.
Power Moon Location #75 - Hat-And-Seek: In The Crowd
Go to the crowded alley that you got Moons #37 and #38. There’s a hidden Bonneter on a man’s head, so keep your eyes out for a hat with eyes. Once you find him and talk to him, you’ll get a Power Moon.
Power Moon Location #76 - Scaling Pitchblack Mountain
Warp to the Helipad and jump to the platform below where Mayor Pauline’s purse was for Moon #57. Enter the Moon Pipe here to start a new challenge area. Make it all the way to the end for a Power Moon.
Power Moon Location #77 - Reaching Pitchblack Island
Go to the same area as Moon #76, but go to the opposite side of the mountain from where you entered. Jump from the top of the Stairface Ogre then dive out to a small island in the middle of the poison water. Ground pound the ground here to reveal a Power Moon.
Power Moon Location #78 - Swinging Scaffolding: Jump!
Start by getting to the roof with the big red button on top, then find a nearby roof with a Moon Pipe on it. Go down this pipe to start a new challenge area. Capture a Hammer Bro and jump along the swinging beams, throwing hammers to break blocks and take out the other Hammer Bros. Once across the beams, continue up the building to more swinging beams. Keep running and jumping until you find this Power Moon.
Power Moon Location #79 - Swinging Scaffolding: Break!
Go to the same area as you did for Moon #78. Once you get to the second set of Hammer Bros, capture one and hop along the girder to the huge block nearby. Break it open with hammers and jump straight to that beam. Don’t bother with the smaller one since you can jump clear over it.
Power Moon Location #80 - Moto Scooter: Daredevil!
Find a Moon Pipe on a roof northeast of the Rooftop Garden warp flag. Once down here, get on the scooter and run over the P-switch to start the challenge. Go down the path, jumping out of the way of Sherm’s incoming shots. In the next section, you’ll need to jump up a series of stairs, so make sure you don’t fall off or oversteer. The last section involves driving past a ton of Sherms, so act quickly to avoid any incoming fire. Once past them, drive down to the end of the red girders and jump for a Power Moon.
Power Moon Location #81 - Full-Throttle Scooting!
Go to the same area as Moon #80. Start the challenge with the first P-switch, then continue through the second area where you jump up stairs. Before starting the third area with all the Sherms, drive to the right over a series of breakable platforms. Keep driving along these until you get to the Power Moon.
To find the Power Moon locations for the other levels in Super Mario Odyssey, check out our other Kingdom Guides:
So what do you think? Are you going to collect all 81 Power Moons in the Metro Kingdom? Will you collect every Power Moon in Super Mario Odyssey? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.
- Visually pleasing
- Great Story
- Controls are amazing and uses Switch motion controls the best
- Great new characters and environments
- Could be more difficult
- Camera angles can get annoying