Power Moons in Super Mario Odyssey are the new Stars, which means you need to collect as many as possible! Each Kingdom has a minimum number to collect in order to to advance to the next Kingdom, but there are many more hidden through each level.
The Moon Kingdom doesn’t require players to find any Power Moons to advance, since this level features a big fight with Bowser. However, if you want to see everything the level has to offer, be on the lookout for 38 Power Moons. Most of these can only be found after you complete the main story, so it’s best to just come back once you’ve wrapped everything up.
Minor spoilers below, so read at your own risk:
Power Moon Location #1 - Shining Above The Moon
Behind the Odyssey is a Power Moon floating high above the ground. Stand under it in the center of a small crater and jump up to reveal a hidden block. Jump on the block, then jump again to reveal another hidden block. Repeat the steps to reveal a third block, then you’ll be able to reach the Power Moon.
Power Moon Location #2 - Along The Cliff Face
Find an 8-bit pipe to the west of the Odyssey. Enter it and complete the 2D segment to get this Power Moon.
Power Moon Location #3 - The Tip Of A While Spire
Go to the Wedding Hall and climb the outside of the building to find a sparkling spire. Throw Cappy at the spire to claim your prize.
Power Moon Location #4 - Rolling Rock On The Moon
Find the crater that has a ring-shaped ridge inside it. An Astro-Lanceur, one of the round robot blasty guys, watches over the area. In the middle of the crater is a rock to kick until it breaks open, revealing the Power Moon.
Power Moon Location #5 - Caught Hopping On The Moon!
To the south of #5, a rabbit hops around. Like previous levels, stun the rabbit with a well-aimed Cappy toss and run up to deal the final blow. Once defeated, the rabbit will cough up a Power Moon.
Power Moon Location #6 - Cliffside Treasure Chest
West of the Wedding-Bells Plateau is a destroyed bridge. Beyond the end of the bridge is a small bit of land with a treasure chest on it. Get Mario running fast with one of the nearby Rocket Flowers, then jump over to the chest and open it for a Power Moon. There are Rocket Flowers by the chest to make it back.
Power Moon Location #7 - Moon Kingdom Timer Challenge 1
Go due north from the Odyssey to find a ledge sticking out from the side of the map. Drop down to the ledge and find a scarecrow. Throw Cappy at the scarecrow to start the Timer Challenge. Complete the challenge by stringing together a series of running long jumps.
Power Moon Location #8 - Taking Notes: On The Moon’s Surface
By the Ringing-Bells Plateau, you’ll find an area where the map ends, but you’ll also see a single bit of land by itself within jumping distance. Look for a treble clef to run into, which will create two strings of music notes. Do a long jump to the extra bit of land to collect the first string, and a long jump back for the second and your Power Moon.
Power Moon Location #9 - Under The Bowser Statue
There’s a cave filled with lava close to the Quiet Wall flag. Inside the cave is a statue of Bowser that can be captured by Cappy. Do so and move the statue forward to reveal a Power Moon.
Power Moon Location #10 - In A Hole In The Magma
In the same cave as #9, there’s an area filled with Parabones and Sherms. Capture a Parabone and fly out over the lava. Keep flying until you find a cylindrical hole in the lava. Drop down the hole, without touching the sides, to get a key. This opens up a locked panel above, so fly back up and get to the newly-freed Power Moon.
Power Moon Location #11 - Around The Barrier Wall
Capture the Banzai Bill in the same cave as #9 and #10. Once you control it, continue flying forward until you see a wall on your left that has a Power Moon on it. Fly directly at the wall to pop Mario out of the Banzai Bill and collect the Power Moon. You might want to warp to a warp flag to get off the wall safely.
Power Moon Location #12 - On Top Of The Cannon
Back in the same cave as the three previous Power Moon locations, capture a Bullet Bill or Banzai Bill. Once you control one, fly up to the Banzai Bill cannon floating above you. Once up there, pop out of your Bill and get on top of the cannon. Ground Pound the middle of the cannon’s top to make a Power Moon appear.
Power Moon Location #13 - Fly To The Treasure Chest And Back
High above the Bowser statues from #9, there is an area cut out above the entrance to the cave. Capture a Banzai Bill and boost your way as fast as you can up to this area. Once inside, pop out of the Bill and open the treasure chest up here for your Power Moon prize.
Power Moon Location #14 - Up In The Rafters
We’re finally done with the cave! Climb all the way up the Wedding Hall to the big bell at the top. Drop down the hole under the bell to reach a Power Moon in the rafters.
Power Moon Location #15 - Sneaking Around In The Crater
There’s a large crater near where the Odyssey lands. When you come back to the Moon Kingdom after leaving, there will be a lump making circles in this crater. Throw Cappy at the lump to slow it, then Ground Pound for a Power Moon.
Power Moon Location #16 - Found On The Moon, Good Dog!
Become friends with the dog outside the Crazy Cap store. When you can start guiding him, direct him down to an open area where Moonsnakes are located. Go to the northeast corner of this area to find a Power Moon buried underground.
Power Moon Location #17 - Moon Shards On The Moon
Moon shards can be found outside the Wedding Hall once Bowser has been kicked out. One shard is on the back of the top spire, by the bell. One is in front of the huge stained glass window. One is on a roof to the left of the main entrance. One is on the roof to the back of the Wedding Hall. One is found in a crater by the Wedding Hall flag. Collect all five to claim a Power Moon.
Power Moon Location #18 - Moon Quiz: Amazing!
Find the Sphynx by the Quiet Wall flag. After completing Moon #24, the Sphynx will ask you more questions. The answers are as follows:
Below the bell
Floated by airship sail
Power Moon Location #19 - Thanks Captain Toad!
Talk to Captain Toad south of the Odyssey once Bowser is taken care of. Captain Toad will just give you a Power Moon for free.
Power Moon Location #20 - Shopping In Honeylune Ridge
Buy the Power Moon from the Crazy Cap store in Moon Kingdom for 100 coins, just like the other levels.
Power Moon Location #21 - Walking On The Moon!
Find the Koopa wearing a spacesuit to start the Tracing Challenge. Score 80 points or more to get your Power Moon. The Koopa is located by the Crazy Cap store.
Power Moon Location #22 - Moon Kingdom Regular Cup
Win the race after talking to the Koopa standing by the Wedding Hall.
Power Moon Location #23 - Doctor In The House
Talk to the Shiverian at the wedding reception in a Dr. Mario outfit.
Power Moon Location #24 - Sphynx’s Hidden Vault
Find the Sphynx by the Quiet Wall flag. It will ask you a riddle, so answer its question with “Rocket Flower,” which is the same answer for everyone. The Sphynx will move aside, revealing coins and a treasure chest with a Power Moon inside.
Power Moon Location #25 - A Tourist In The Moon Kingdom!
Once Bowser is defeated, talk to a Tostarenan in the Sand Kingdom who is going on vacation with his cab driver. You’ll need to talk to him in different kingdoms to move him to the next one. The order the tourist goes in is Sand, Metro, Cascade, Luncheon, Moon, Mushroom, then back to Sand. Each time, he will give you a Power Moon.
Power Moon Location #26 - Peach In The Moon Kingdom
Once Peach and Tiara are out exploring, find them in the Moon Kingdom at the top of the Wedding Hall, below the huge bell. Talk to Peach for a Power Moon.
Power Moon Location #27 - Found With Moon Kingdom Art
After defeating Bowser, look for the Hint Art in the Wedding Hall. It points to the Wooded Kingdom, so find the scarecrow depicted in the picture and Ground Pound near it to make a Power Moon appear.

To gain access to Power Moons 28-38, you’ll need to return after defeating Bowser and smashing the moon rock that is located to the east of the first bridge. It will show where the rest of the Power Moons are.
Power Moon Location #28 - Mysterious Flying Object
Behind the Wedding Hall at the edge of the map is a strange flying, glowing little UFO. You can’t sneak up on it or hit it with Cappy, so go stand where the UFO will land at the edge of the map. From here, enter into first-person view and try to find the UFO flying around. If you do, you’ll be rewarded with a Power Moon.
Power Moon Location #29 - Hidden On The Side Of The Cliff
A Power Moon appears high above the Sphynx’s head. Exit the lava cave at the upper exit and drop down the cliff next to you to get the Power Moon.
Power Moon Location #30 - Jumping High As A Frog
First, capture the frog behind the Wedding Hall. Next, go to the bit of land you jumped back and forth between to get Moon #8. Once out on the platform, jump straight up for this Power Moon.
Power Moon Location #31 - Kingdom Timer Challenge 2
Find a scarecrow south of Ringing-Bells Plateau. Throw Cappy on it to start the Timer Challenge. Complete it for a Power Moon.
Power Moon Location #32 - Walking On The Moon: Again!
Talk to the same Koopa in a spacesuit that you did for Moon #21. This time, you’ll need to score 90 points or higher to pass the challenge and get the Power Moon.
Power Moon Location #33 - Moon Kingdom Master Cup
Talk to the same Koopa by the Wedding Hall as you did to get Moon #22. Beat the race again to get this Power Moon.
Power Moon Location #34 - Taking Notes: In Low Gravity
Go down the 8-bit pipe west of the Odyssey, then get to the top of the 2D level to find a single music note. Collect it to start the Taking Notes challenge. Gather up all the music notes that show up to get your Power Moon.
Power Moon Location #35 - Center Of The Galaxy
Enter the Moon Pipe that appears by Talkatoo. Enter the 8-bit pipe here to start a 2D level where Mario’s gravitational forces are determined by how close he is to the “planets.” Make your way around the maze to the center for a Power Moon and the warp pipe to exit the 2D level.
Power Moon Location #36 - Edge Of The Galaxy
In the same 2D level as #35, get to the edge of the map instead of the middle. You’ll need to jump up to the tall ledge at the end of the lava pit. From here, jump as high as you can to get pulled toward the edge and another Power Moon.
Power Moon Location #37 - Navigating Giant Swings
At the top of the tall vista in the southwest corner of the map, there’s a Moon Pipe that takes you to a challenge room. This room requires some precise jumping, so it might take you multiple tries to complete. Make sure at the very end to Ground Pound on top of the Astro-Lanceur to give you the extra boost you need to clear the gap and make it to the Power Moon.
Power Moon Location #38 - A Swing On Top Of A Swing
In the same challenge room as #37, look for a big, blue, swinging peg with another on top of it. Find a way onto the first peg, then time your jump just right to get picked up onto the second peg. Once on this second peg, walk over to the final Power Moon of the Moon Kingdom.
To find the Power Moon locations for the other levels in Super Mario Odyssey, check out our other Kingdom Guides:
So what do you think? Are you going to collect all of the Power Moons from the Moon Kingdom now that you know where they are? Will you try to collect all of the Power Moons in Super Mario Odyssey? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.
- Visually pleasing
- Great Story
- Controls are amazing and uses Switch motion controls the best
- Great new characters and environments
- Could be more difficult
- Camera angles can get annoying