Humankind: Update Adds Endgame Conditions, Implements Fixes for Map Editor

Humankind Fabius Maximus Update
Humankind Fabius Maximus Update Steam

Humankind’s latest update kicks off the second chapter of the Dia de Los Muertos event. It also features some notable things, including the addition of custom endgame conditions, fixes to the map editor, and military balancing.

The second chapter of the Dia de Los Muertos limited-time event has already begun. Complete three challenges so that you can earn two additional symbols, as well as another border decoration. Here are the challenges you need to accomplish:

  • Necropolis: As the Maya or the Aztecs, sacrifice over 30 population to complete a construction.
  • Army of Darkness: As a Militarist Culture, use the Iron Reserves ability 4 times in the same Era.
  • Civil Evolution: Enact 50 Civics across multiple games.

Endgame Conditions

Update introduces a new feature that allows you to tailor your gaming experience the way you want it. The end condition settings are a set of options you can toggle on or off so that the game will end only until a particular outcome or set of conditions are met.

For example, if you want the match to end only until one empire remains, you can disable everything except for “All Empires Eliminated.”

End Condition Settings
End Condition Settings Amplitude Studios

Map Editor

There are plenty of fixes to the map editor that will make it a bit more stable now than before. Previously, the editor won’t provide you with some needed information about the Territory Limit, which caused loaded maps to generate a ton of errors. This has been resolved in this update.

Besides that, an unknown user interface element would just suddenly be displayed next to the undo/redo buttons. This is unintentional and is already addressed.

Update Highlights

  • Added Endgame Conditions options
  • Expensive Districts balancing:
    • Base Districts now scale depending on how many Districts of that type are present
    • Other Districts scale based on a percentage of total District amount
  • Gajnal base CS to 44
  • Dragoon CS to 45
  • Cossack CS to 46
  • Turkish SOM price set to tier 1 = 3700 (was 14805). Upkeep is now 70
  • Strengthen Poison: caps movement to 2, caps range to 1
  • Increase javelin thrower bonus effect (from +4 to +6 when in good terrain)
  • Increase Javelin throwers CS to 21
  • Increase Javelineers CS to 26
  • Reduce War Elephant to 30 CS
  • Fixed an issue where a stuck situation is encountered after clicking on the Show Details button from the "Nuclear Specter" narrative event, if Rebels captured a Cultural Wonder
  • Fixed an issue where a desync can occur after an Event (Challenge) or State Share notification, under specific conditions
  • Fixed an issue where an error occurs when the Player tries to drag a Mountain over a River
  • Fixed an issue where no information is provided for the Territory limit, causing loaded maps to generate errors
  • Fixed an issue where the help section is missing from multiple menus
  • Fixed an issue where no tooltip is displayed for the undo/redo buttons

The full patch notes can be found on the game’s official website.

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