Developer Ninja Kiwi dropped a massive patch for Bloons TD Battles 2 recently. Update 1.10 not only introduced the new hero Agent Jericho but it brought heaps of balancing adjustments as well.
According to the company, Benjamin has not seen much action lately because the other heroes in Bloons TD Battles 2 outshine him. To make Benjamin and DJ Benjamin more appealing to use, their income generation has increased, especially in the later rounds. For instance, Benjamin can now generate $1,000 per round at level 15.
While Benjamin and his hero alt got buffed in Update 1.10, the same cannot be said for Sentai Churchill. This hero has proven to be one of the strongest and most popular heroes in BTD2. So, Ninja Kiwi slightly nerfed his High Energy Shells ability, where his shells only have a 45% increased attack speed as opposed to 50% previously.
Here are the other balancing adjustments in this patch:
- Spaced ceramics: income 4 > 5 and spacing 0.9 > 0.75
- xx5 MOAB Domination: $60,000 > $55,000
- xx5 MOAB Domination: Special kylie moab damage 30 > 40
- xx4 Full Auto Rifle: Bonus MOAB damage 1 > 2 (xx5 remains at 2)
- Bonus MOAB damage from 105 and 205 crosspaths now applies to 104 and 204 crosspaths.
- xx5 Sub Commander: Now increases the range of all subs by +20
- xx5 Sub Commander: Pierce increase for other subs +4 > +6
- 4xx Aircraft Carrier: Missile damage 15 > 20 and damage type changed to unstoppable
- 5xx Carrier Flagship: Missile damage 50 > 60
- xx4 Necromancer: Max graveyard capacity 500 > 450 (xx5 capacity unchanged)
- x4x Summon Phoenix: Phoenix Pierce 10 > 8
- 5xx Permanent Brew: range 55 > 45
- xx5 Permaspike: damage 10 > 15
- x5x Ultraboost: max ultraboost stacks per tower 10 > 5
- x5x Ultraboost: Each stack increases attack speed by 4% > 8%
- Gwendolin
- Base Cost: $850 > $800
- Science Gwen
- Base Cost: $850 > $800
- Cyber Quincy
- Level 3: Cyber Shot ability duration increased from 2s + 0.5s per level to 5s + 0.5s per level
- There was a bug with Quincy and Cyber Quincy where the ability itself had a different duration from the buff it created, meaning the effect was always cut short even as we increased the duration through other balance patches. This has now been fixed and both abilities are lasting the duration we intended.
- Quincy
- Level 3: Rapid Shot ability duration is 2s + 0.5s per level
? Calling Agent Jericho... Cleanup required in COBRA command ?#comingsoon #battles2
— Bloons TD Battles 2 (@btdbattles2) April 25, 2023
So, what can you say about the balancing changes in Bloons TD Battles 2 Update 1.10? Do you think that the recent adjustments for Benjamin and Dj Benjamin are enough?