Minecraft Beta Patch Notes Include Powder Snow, Goats, And More

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minecraft caves and cliffs update
minecraft caves and cliffs update gamesradar

Mojang Studios, the developer of Minecraft, released a new update for beta testers that adds a new experimental toggle mode along with some new content. The developers have also added goats into Minecraft. You can find the goats on the mountains, but be careful around the goats as you can be pushed off the mountain cliffside.

Powdered snow is also a new addition that can slow down players, but you can use the leather boots to make your journey across the snowy mountains easier.

Minecraft Beta Patch Notes

You can find the patch notes below:

Bug Fixes

Performance and Stability

  • Fixed several crashes that could occur during gameplay
  • Large numbers of scheduled instant updates should no longer crash the game
  • Fixed occasional crash when going through a portal or flying around
  • Fixed a crash that would occasionally occur while flying or moving around the game world


  • Only preview items will be shown in crafting screen when auto crafting an item on controller. This prevents rapid updates of the recipe book
  • Fixed a bug where End Portal blocks were not removed after an End Portal Frame block is destroyed. Filled blocks other than end portal blocks will remain in place
  • Fixed paperdoll such that it can now always be rotated with the mouse when in the dressing room


  • Emote wheel now supports the screen reader
  • Fixed a bug where UI screen reader did not read the screen title and shortcut buttons on the Invite to game Screen
  • Fixed an issue where the screen reader was not reading updates often enough on some devices
  • Fixed the screen reader so messages with controller icons in the Chat Screen are read correctly
  • UI Screen Reader now reads the Open Chat Message while Text To Speech For Chat is turned off


  • Double chests no longer lose contents when reloading the world
  • Compass is no longer consumed when used on a Lodestone in creative mode
  • Cocoa Pods generated in jungle now generate in the proper direction
  • Signs no longer replace decorations when attempting to place in the same space as the decoration
  • Right-clicking a snow block with a shovel no longer breaks the snow block
  • Dirt paths (formerly grass path) can now be made by using a shovel on dirt, podzol, mycelium or course dirt (as well as grass)
  • Updated the Netherite leggings texture
  • Twisting Vines can no longer be placed on Composter blocks while sneaking


  • Villagers will no longer steal workstations from each other
  • Mobs no longer randomly stop attacking and following their targets
  • Piglins that are close together can no longer pick up the same item if it's dropped between them
  • Mobs no longer spawn in Wither Roses
  • Bees now only exit at the front of Bee Hives and Bee Nests


  • /playsoundcommands now play the sound correctly for all players in range
  • /effect command duration is now capped at 1,000,000 seconds
  • Add ticking area commands performed in the same tick now disallow adding areas with the same name twice
  • Placeholder text message for the /titleraw command success no longer returns to player
  • FadeOutargument is no longer ignored in /title's times command

Graphics, Textures, and User Interface

  • Update Zombified Piglin texture to remove flickering of loincloth
  • "Classic Controls - Intense" font color now matches the surrounding text in VR Controls menu
  • [X] button in Chat Settings is no longer present when using a controller
  • Profile screen has been improved, now characters will be visible and can be selected or modified as soon as they load
  • Fixed a bug where the visual focus indicator was lost when hovering on tabs
  • Glowsticks no longer use placeholder textures (Education Feature)
  • Loading screen tips won't display the key "tips.game.62"
  • Avoid purchasing Realm if player cancels out of "Purchase History Needed" dialog

Scripting, Add-Ons, and Technical Changes

  • Change set_block and set_block_at_pos to use BlockDescriptor when specifying block_type
  • Items with the item lock component no longer cause the recipe book to show invalid recipe results


  • Added query.cardinal_facing_2d to get a ground plane direction that doesn't return up or down
  • Added the ability to put block models into the models/blocks folder
  • Added the ability for item triggers to send events to the block they are interacting with (when there is one such as on_use_on)
  • Added the ability to query the interacted face for both interactions with blocks and using minecraft:on_use_on in an item. Face can be queried with query.block_face
  • Fixed face occlusion with data driven blocks to properly account for unit cube transparent vs unit cube opaque
  • Fixed a crash caused by heap corruption with entity_collision and pick_collision components
  • Data-driven blocks no longer have their top faces rotated 180 degrees when carried or in inventory
  • Mobs are no longer teleported back and forth outside solid objects if there is not enough space for multiple entities

Event Responses

  • "add_mob_effect" and "remove_mob_effect" no longer throw content errors when valid effect names are passed in
  • Added documentation for "remove_mob_effect" to make creators aware they can use the value "all" in effect to remove all mob effects from a target
  • Fixed items not being placeable in additional horse equipment slots. Does not fix all equippable behaviors
  • Inventory size on the minecraft:inventory component has to be increased to match the equippable slots in order for the server to accept the item placement
  • The tooltip for item with item lock component will no longer show when game rule showtags is disabled
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