'Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2' Plot Ditches The Dumb McGuffin, Leaving Thanos And 'Avengers: Infinity War' In The Lurch

The gang is back in Guardians of the Galaxy 2.
The gang is back in Guardians of the Galaxy 2. James Gunn

Guardians of the Galaxy 2 director James Gunn has been very open about certain elements of the plot, telling his Facebook followers “I would rather be in control of the announcement myself than have it come out on SpoilersRUs.com in a few weeks.”

So we know a lot about Guardians of the Galaxy 2 now. Here’s Gunn spraying spoilers everywhere:

I get it. If we lived in a perfect world, I wouldn't tell you ANYTHING before you walked in to see Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2. I wouldn't tell you Groot was now Baby Groot, I wouldn't tell you Mantis was in the movie, I wouldn't say that Ayesha and Taserface are our antagonists, that Yondu and Nebula have incredibly important roles in the film, nor would I tell you that Quill's father is Ego the Living Planet.

However, the world is imperfect.”

But the real spoiler came later, when James Gunn confirmed that Avengers: Infinity War is going to have to do all the heavy lifting itself if there’s any hope of Marvel Studio’s fixing its most dire narrative emergency. According to Gunn, “ there will be no Infinity Stones in Vol. 2.”

So far we’ve seen four of the six Infinity Stones — concentrated ingots of pre-Big Bang stuff with powers beyond the typical limitations of physics — in Marvel Studios’ movies. We know from various post-credits sequences that Thanos really wants these powerful pebbles for his Infinity Gauntlet. Thanos acquiring and wielding them is the likely plot of Avengers: Infinity War and its currently untitled sequel.

But right now they’re just dumb rocks. One’s buried in Vision’s head, another was in that Thor sequel no one watched, and the remaining two are locked in vaults located on distant planets. Oh, also, they’re just rocks. As plot elements they’re annoyingly vague. It’s hard to imagine an entire movie motivated by these little goo-gads.

But, of course, Marvel Studios has pulled off weirder stuff in the past. And if screenwriters Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely were able to balance the insane character overload of Captain America: Civil War, certainly they can find a way to make the Infinity Stones work.

Still, Guardians of the Galaxy 2 isn’t making it any easier for them when it comes to making Thanos and the Infinity Stones a viable threat come Infinity War. Guardians of the Galaxy 2, with its cosmic foofery and Thanos connections, would seem the perfect place for those threads to begin pulling together. Without any Thanos or Infinity Stone material in the Guardians , that leaves Marvel only Doctor Strange, Spider-Man: Homecoming, Thor: Ragnarok and Black Panther to set the table for the third and fourth Avengers movie.

Well, they’ve pulled it off so far...

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