Epic Games Store Accidently Gave Away Death Stranding Director’s Cut

Death Stranding Launching On PC
Death Stranding Launching On PC Kojima Productions

If you like to grab free games, you must have the Epic Games Store installed on your PC. The online gaming store by the Fortnite creator is known to give away free games.

Normally, the store adds new free games every week, but during Christmas, players are getting free games every day till December 29.

We have already received several amazing games like Wolfenstein: The New Order, Metro Last Light Redux, and older Fallout games. But the recent title was the biggest one yet.

Yesterday, the store made a big mistake. EGS was supposed to give away the Standard Edition of Death Stranding, but instead, it made Director’s Cut free.

The better edition stayed free for several hours and even crashed the servers. However, EGS later took down the game and replaced it with the inferior edition. Players can upgrade their normal edition of the game to DC by spending $5.99 ($9.99 without a sale).

Several players were able to grab Death Stranding Director’s Cut. However, whether the edition will stay in the library is unknown. I was able to claim both the DC and normal editions, and as of right now, both games are in my EGS library.

Anyway, it doesn’t matter anymore; either edition of Death Stranding isn’t free anymore. Instead, the store is now giving away F.I.S.T.: Forged In Shadow Torch, and will stay free for only 24 hours, so claim it as soon as you can.

About the Game

Death Stranding was initially released on PS4 in 2019 and was later ported to PC the following year. The developer further upgraded the game and released the Director’s Cut on PS5 in 2021. PC players received the upgrade early this year.

Future of Death Stranding

Despite yesterday’s blunder, the future of Death Stranding is looking very bright. A full-fledged sequel for PlayStation 5 was revealed at TGA 2022, and a movie adaptation of the game is in the works as well.

So, what do you think? Are you interested in any of these changes? Have you been playing recently? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.

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