Every year the Dota 2 Battle Pass offers a lot of features to players. One of the major highlights is the Arcana, considered as one of the rarest items in the game. It not only offers a new skin for the hero, but other customizations like animations, icons, particle effects, and sounds, among many others.
When the new Battle Pass was first launched, it revealed that three Arcana were arriving. At that time, however, only one set was revealed and this was the Wraith King Arcana titled as the One True King. This one is available at Level 375.
The good news is that Dota 2 officially released the second one, which is the Queen of Pain Arcana, also available at Level 375.
This particular arcana is dubbed as Eminence of Ristul. The Arcana follows the tale of Akasha as she returns to the Court of Ristul and celebrates her rise to power. As an Arcana, the bundle offers the usual new model along with base items. Then there are the new animations, ambient effects, custom deny effect, and a custom Sonic along with a custom Blink. There’s even a special whip melee attack animation for when targets are in close range, plus more than 500 new Arcana-exclusive voice lines.
The Queen of Pain Arcana also has a bonus feature. It comes with a Sonic Wave pain meter, and when you manage to torment 1000 heroes, you get to unlock the Royal Decree alternate style.

With two Arcana already released, that leaves the one for Windrangers next, which is available at Level 575. No date of release has been announced so far.
Other Battle Pass Features
The Arcana is but one of the many features of this year’s Battle Pass. There are Personas, for example, which are cosmetic items that reimagine a hero with a brand new model along with other customizations. The first one was released during last year’s The International 2019 and was the Acolyte of the Lost Arts for Invoker.
This year there are two Personas offered. The first is the Toy Butcher Persona for Pudge that’s available at Level 255 with the second being The Disciple’s Path, the Anti-Mage Persona offered at Level 305.
There is also the new terrain known as Sanctums of the Divine. Read more about everything this year’s Battle Pass has to offer here.