World Of Tanks is Bringing in Someone Special for the Holidays

Time to enjoy the holidays.
Time to enjoy the holidays. Wargaming

The last time World of Tanks launched an event, it brought to the game Monster Tanks. No doubt that was fun. Now, a new celebration is in the works. Be ready to welcome the Holiday Ops 2021 starting December 9. It will run until January 11.

This upcoming update will introduce a special guest. One that could easily stop a tank with his fingers. Can you guess who? We’ll give you another clue. This special guest was said to have been bitten by a snake. After five days of excruciating pain, the snake died.

It’s none other than Chuck Norris!

As part of the event, Chuck Norris is offering his very own challenges to each tanker. That will yield 32 missions in total. Other exciting rewards also await those who complete missions. One of the rewards is the one and only Commander Chuck.

Do you have what it takes?
Do you have what it takes? Wargaming

Chuck Norris said that players would always claim he was on the other side when they lose. With him in the game, there’s now a chance that could be true. He added that “even when the chips are down, I’m not one to shy away from a challenge and I hope that my fellow tankers do me proud when they take on Chuck’s Challenge!”

Chuck Norris is just the tip of the iceberg in Holiday Ops. Like last year, the event featured a collection of ornaments and a decoration time for the special festive garage. Many things to do and several exciting rewards to earn in this event.

The Snow Maidens are making a return as well and handing out special daily gifts. There are four Snow Maidens and each responsible for a particular collection. These are Christmas, New Year, Lunar New Year, and Magic New Year.

World of Tanks Global Publishing Director Max Chuvalov hinted that with the year almost over, it was important to give everyone something to remember. He added: “Holiday Ops is always our biggest in-game event and it’s the perfect way to see off the year.”

By the way, all players get a free goodie by simply logging in during the event. It’s the Pz.Sfl. IC, a Tier IV German tank destroyer that comes with an autoloader.

Learn more about Holiday Ops 2021 here.

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