‘The Walking Dead’ Season 7 Spoilers: Why Negan Needs Sasha Alive

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Sasha's locked up in The Sanctuary.
Sasha's locked up in The Sanctuary. AMC

You’ve probably seen the photos of Sasha locked away in The Walking Dead Season 7 episode 15. Yes, Sasha was caught by The Saviors. Fortunately, Negan will need her alive for a bit. Here’s why.

Negan needs intel. He hasn’t seen Sasha since the initial encounter with the group. It’s odd that she would just show up to the compound alone to kill him, so it’s only natural for Negan to ask her questions. We’re sure Negan will interrogate Sasha to get the information he needs.

This means Sasha is probably safe for at least one more episode. It’s unlikely we’ll see Sasha’s death by the end of The Walking Dead Season 7 episode 15. We’re convinced Eugene will find a way to mercy-kill Sasha before Negan gets to her.

Sasha isn’t a character in the comic books, so there’s no direct reference to pull from. However, Abraham’s comic book girlfriend Holly has a similar storyline to Sasha. Holly is captured by the Saviors and Negan interrogates her. The reader is lead to believe Holly will be safe in Negan’s care because he kills someone who tries to hurt her.

And then Negan brings her walker body to Alexandria’s door step.

We think Eugene will use the pills he made to kill Negan on Sasha. He’ll put it in her food or give her the pills to make sure she doesn’t get the bat. Negan will take Sasha’s body back to Alexandria and a fight will break out.

Of course, this is just a theory using the context clues from the show and comics. Negan could also show up to Alexandria and throw Sasha’s head at Rick’s feet. He could also keep Sasha as a hostage, but that’s unlikely since Negan believes disloyalty must be punished.

What do you think will happen to Sasha ? Let us know in the comments below. The Walking Dead Season 7 airs Sundays at 9 p.m. on AMC.

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