‘The Walking Dead’ Season 7 Premiere Synopsis: Rick’s Group Is ‘Fractured, Broken, Bereaved And Picking Up the Pieces’

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Dwight looks concerned.
Dwight looks concerned. AMC

The official synopsis of The Walking Dead Season 7 reveals the world has grown bigger and more dangerous than ever.

ComicBook.com published AMC’s official The Walking Dead Season 7 synopsis reaffirming some key details for the upcoming season. We know Negan’s introduction means chaos for Rick and his group. We know a major death will leave Rick feeling defeated and powerless. The death will also split the group in ways they haven’t dealt with before . Check out the official synopsis below.

Up until this point, our characters have lived through conflicts... Disease, hunger, scores of the undead, tragedy, betrayal, and unthinkable loss. Through this, they've become formidable. Powerful. Unstoppable.

To start Season 7, that power is taken away. They had found safety and stability. They had created a home. They thought the world was theirs. They thought they knew the world. They were wrong.

The first half of Season Seven sees our group fractured, broken, bereaved, and picking up the pieces while living under the thumb of oppression. Negan will have successfully brought the survivors under his control, brutally convincing them to live under his rules with a deadly and horrific example of what happens if they don’t.

Other characters are unaware of what’s happened, but have become separated from the group either by incident or choice -- they will learn that they can’t escape this new turn of their world, either. This half season is about these characters starting over.

The overall theme of the season is beginning again. The world isn’t what they thought it was. It’s bigger and it’s even more dangerous.

Negan is the “Big Bad Wolf” in the world of The Walking Dead now, but he’s not invincible. It’s up to Rick and the other communities to band together to end Negan’s reign of terror, but it won’t come easily. First, Rick will have to deal with the consequences of his actions. People will begin to question his authority and ability to lead. People may decide to leave Alexandria. It’s possible Negan’s men may move into Alexandria.

Rick also won’t have Carol and Morgan, two people who’ve supported him when he’s been at his worst. Whatever happens, Rick’s group won’t ever be the same. Either they’ll come back stronger or fall apart. Do you think Rick’s group will abandon him or try to pull him back from this defeat? Let us know in the comments below. The Walking Dead Season 7 will premiere Oct. 23.

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