‘Tekken 7’ News: Gameplay Mechanics Explained And Why Akuma Was At E3 2016

Akuma will have a role in the 'Tekken 7' story mode.
Akuma will have a role in the 'Tekken 7' story mode. Bandai Namco

At E3 2016, Bandai Namco released a brand new trailer for its upcoming Tekken 7 showing off Heihachi and Akuma from Street Fighter squaring off. Bandai Namco revealed more information about the fighting game in its live presentation, in which they teased some story elements and details some of the new mechanics.

The first detail they revealed was the game uses Unreal Engine 4. This gives Tekken 7 better graphics, especially with weather effects and how you interact with the stage. This also allows for slow-motion animation during battle, such as when you and your opponent strike at the same time or during finishing blows.

Bandai Namco says that there will be over 30 playable characters in Tekken 7 and Bandai showed off some of the new characters including Claudio, Jose, Shaheem, Lucky Chloe and, of course, Akuma from Street Fighter.

Akuma will bring all of his moves from Street Fighter over to Tekken 7 and he will be the only character to have an EX meter for you to power up his moves.

Also, Akuma’s link to the Tekken universe is a big crux in the Tekken 7 story, as we saw in the E3 2016 trailer. Heihachi and Akuma have a score to settle and it actually has to do with Heihachi’s wife, Kazumi.

Apparently, Akuma and Kazumi made a deal and she wants him to kill her husband.

During the story campaign, there will be cut scenes and dialogue intertwined within each battle. There’s even some real-time elements, as we saw during the presentation. But the cutscenes and dialogue make the Tekken 7 story more than just fighting.

The story of Tekken 7 will also see the last chapter of the Mishima Family Blood Saga between Heihachi and Kazuya.

Some of the new mechanics that were mentioned are the Rage Arts, which when your character enters Rage Mode from Tekken 6, you can perform a special move to help make a comeback.

Rage Drives and Power Crushes were also mentioned as Power Crushes allows players to sacrifice some health to do some heavy damaging moves.

Tekken 7 is set to release in early 2017.

So what do you guys think of the latest Tekken 7 details? Let us know in the comments section below.

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