PUBG Survivor Pass 3: Wild Card Ends June 5

  • Windows
  • Survival
Survivor Pass 3: Wild Card
Survivor Pass 3: Wild Card PUBG

PUBG announced that Survivor Pass 3: Wild Card ends June 5, the same time as the game’s live servers enter maintenance. Until then, players can purchase both the Premium Pass and Level-Up Tickets. Players are given until June 26 to claim the rewards earned, as well as all items purchased from the coupon shop.

In order to remind players that the Survivor Pass is about to expire, the time remaining for the pass is displayed in-game for a period of two weeks before the end date. Those who buy Survivor Pass Premium will be informed of when the pass ends in order to confirm if they still want to continue with the purchase.

When Survivor Pass 3: Wild Card ends, players can go to the results page in order to look at their achievements and other detailed information like mission status, levels achieved, and acquired levels. Meanwhile the Missions tab gives information on the achievement completion percentage for each of the game’s mission types, like Daily, Weekly, Beginner, and Premium. The total rewards acquired can be viewed on the Rewards tab.

As already mentioned, players are given a period from June 5 up to June 26 in order to claim the rewards and XP after the Survivor Pass ends. Any XP acquired for completed missions can be claimed through the Claim All button. The Coupon Shop, meanwhile, is open until June 26. Once the shop is closed, all remaining coupons immediately expire.

Survivor Pass 3: Wild Card was released in late March along with PUBG Update #27. Survivor Pass 3: Wild Card can be purchased for $9.99. The Pass has at least 200 missions that are spread over the course of 10 weeks through Daily, Weekly, and Premium Missions. For those who are just starting the game, the Pass offers the choice to go for Beginner missions. Challenge missions, meanwhile, help players focus on their performance through specific weapons.

Along with the Pass, players can also purchase five levels worth of XP for $4.99, while 20 levels require players to spend $17.99. The last tier offers 30 levels of XP, and costs $24.99. The Survivor Pass is available through Steam or the PUBG in-game store.

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