Platformer Georifters Will Release For All Platforms In 2020

The PC version on Steam is listed for an October release date.
The unique ground-bending platformer Georifters gets announced by publisher Another Indie.
The unique ground-bending platformer Georifters gets announced by publisher Another Indie. Another Indie

The ground-bending platformer Georifters will be releasing soon for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC via Steam in addition to the Nintendo Switch, as announced by publisher Another Indie.

Originally announced in January of this year for the Nintendo Switch, Georifters is a 2.5D platforming game that aims to add a different twist to the genre. With the terrain at your disposal, you can smash, bash, twist, turn, and flip the world to suit your needs for every situation the game may throw at you. Use the entire in-game world as your weapon, and with your added abilities, it is up to you to save the day and claim victory in the battle arena. Multiple characters are available for you to play as, each with abilities unique to them that you can learn and master. These abilities are able to affect the game’s terrain in different ways and create a whole new world for you to traverse.

Georifters also gives you the option to customize your character’s style, where in you can mix and match a number of outfit combinations. Multiple themes are unlockable through playing and once you’ve gotten the outfit you want, show them off either in single-player, co-op Adventure, or versus modes wherein you can put your skills on display in battles that supports up to four players.

The game offers three unique game modes. First off is Adventure, where you will follow the story line of Georifters, wherein you can either go it alone or have a buddy with you in a co-op adventure that will have you exploring, learning, and mastering the unique art of ground bending. Next is Time Trial, where you will be pitted against up to four players at a time and are constrained to achieve unique goals. Last is Battle Race, a free-for-all combat mode of up to four players that allows you to showcase your skills in ground bending. Emerge victorious and you win you the battle for sweet, sweet crystals.

Georifters is expected to release for the four aforementioned platforms by 2020. A PC open beta is scheduled to launch in Q4 2019. Currently, its Steam page has a launch date set for October 29, 2019.

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