The unique deck-building, tower-defense hybrid Minion Masters received Update 1.45 which introduced two new “Crystal Elf” cards.
The new cards in question are Mana Chaser and Spelldancer, best used if you have six mana or more. For example, if you have six or more mana and Spelldancer is on play, it fires four Arcane Sparks at random enemies in the area and grants Mana Freeze. Check out the image below.

Some changes to Mordar’s Tombstone perk have also been applied in Update 1.45. For one, its activation delay is lowered from 15 to just 10 seconds. But more importantly, when it resurrects a dead allied unit, the Tombstone will no longer be destroyed. Instead, the activation delay will restart, effectively putting Tombstone on cooldown.
Furthermore, the Tombstone will now use its own health as a resource for resurrecting allied units. Because of this, it can bring dead allies back on the battlefield multiple times, provided that it has enough HP to do so.
You can read the other balancing adjustments below:
- Morelia
- Book of the Dead Cost 1 > 0
- Forbidden Knowledge perk 2 now reduces the cost of 3 different 4-mana+ spells by 1 (instead of 2 by 2).
- Valorian
- Searing Light attacks 4 > 5
- R3-KT
- One Punch Blast changed:
- It is now a line nuke dealing 300 total damage. Every unit killed reduces remaining total damage by the health they lost.
- One Punch Blast: Deals True damage
- Ravager
- Terror Brutus health 2,300 > 2,500
- Mordar
- Tombstone
- The Minion resurrected by Tombstone deals damage to Tombstone equal to half its max health. Resurrects with health equal to twice the amount of health lost by the Tombstone.
- Tombstone health: 400 > 500
- Lifetime: 40 > 60
- Perk 3: Tombstone health becomes 1,500. No longer adds a second Tombstone.
- Stunning the Tombstone disables the Tombstone and restarts the activation delay.
- Milloween
- Arcane Missiles changed:
- Missiles now targets a random unit in the area and is homing towards the target. Still impacts first enemy unit encountered. Moves slightly slower.
- Master damage 100% > 10%
- Apep
- Perk 3 cooldown: 28 > 33
- Base Attack damage: 40 > 30
- Bearvalanche
- Damage: 160 > 140
- Caber Tosser
- Caber Damage: 200 > 150
- King Puff
- Knight Puffs health 50 > 2
- Knight Puffs spawns with shields.
- Crystal Sentry
- Remove Mana Surge
- AS 1.7 > 1.5
- Thelec
- No longer has mana surge
- AS 1.3 > 1.1
- Damage 55 > 50
- Puff
- No longer dies when defeated.
- Note: This is specifically to preempt shenanigans with the new Tombstone design.
- Fixed yet another interaction between Apep, Simulacrum and Ability cards.
- Using /cd or /sd while in deck collection view no longer crashes the game.
- Frozen now correctly lasts 3 seconds.
- Added a discount label to the always available 10 token bundle in the token section of the shop.
Minion Masters Update 1.45 is available on Xbox One and PC.