League Of Legends Delta Fox Is More Than Just A Meme

Imaqtpie and the Delta Fox gang
Imaqtpie and the Delta Fox gang YouTube

Why would five of the most successful retired League Of Legends pros to ever grace Summoner's Rift decide to play in the Challenger scene? It’s a question every fan asked when they heard the news that Rock Fox’s League Of Legends team, Echo Fox, picked up Scarra, Imaqtpie, Shiphtur, Voyboy and Dyrus to form their own Challenger Series Team. Delta Fox is a team unlike any we’ve seen before: there are no new players hungry for their chance at the spotlight or Korean imports trying to dominate the Korean scene, just a group of friends getting together to play some League Of Legends

Last week, I spoke with Scarra, jungler of Delta Fox, who told me that these players just want to have some fun. They take these games very seriously, but they got together for the sole purpose of “getting the band back together.” It wasn’t for the massive amounts of views that each video of them playing together gets or to boost their own stream traffic by combining their star power, it was just to play some games with the homies. The Echo Fox organization offered them a deal that they couldn’t past up and “everything came together at the right time” Scarra said.

As fans, we rarely get the chance to watch a game through the eyes of the pros. Esports can tend to get pretty hectic, with players coordinating split second decisions through headset communication. Viewers only get to see what’s happening on screen, rarely do we get a peek behind the curtain at what the full voice coms sound like. Teams don’t want to give out their secrets, strategies or secret plans to the enemy team, so scrims also stay hidden to the average fan. Delta Fox is turning the whole system on it’s head, by releasing videos of the team scrimming against the main Echo Fox lineup and the voice coms in their real games.

If you aren’t one of the millions of League of Legends fans who have watched one of Delta Fox’s videos already, you're missing out. These guys are a joy to watch no matter what you are looking for. If you want high-class gameplay with just a bit of commentary or just a troll filled tilt-fest, there’s a video for you.

When watching Delta Fox’s scrims, it's obvious that retired doesn’t mean rusty. These are still world-class players, who when they aren’t trolling are a sight to behold. Imaqtpie has consistently had multiple accounts in Challenger, Dyrus and Voyboy are regarded as some of the best laners in their roles and Scarra has been a coach, analyst, journalist and player. These guys have had a hand in every facet of the League Of Legends community and it shows in their individual play.

Unfortunately, in their first week in the Challenger Series, they lost miserably to CLG Academy. CLGA worked as an organized unit, constantly catching or flanking DF’s players in compromising positions. There pick and ban was poor as well, champions like Brand and Swain suffer in this reworked Rift Herald era of League of Legends .

With a bit more coordination and practice, Delta Fox can be more than just a dream meme team. Even if they lose every game and never improve as a unit, fans will undeniably have their back. Watching League’s best streamers having fun together for glory (or lack thereof) is all the community ever really wanted.

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