Maximize Your Creativity in Heavy Industry DLC of Space Engineers

Prepare for some heavy lifting.
Prepare for some heavy lifting. Keen Software House

A new update has arrived for Space Engineers and it’s a big one. That’s because it brings the Heavy Industry DLC, which offers an entirely new vision for space work. It also adds at least 100 new blocks and block variants.

With the new DLC, players can forward to these free content:

  • Armor Panel Blocks
    • Try out 16 shapes, heavy and light armor variants, and small and large grid versions. Expand your creative options with 64 new blocks.
  • Small grid merge block
    • This is a 0.5 small grid merge block.
    • It’s a good fit for a spare tire, PMW, or modular cargo.
  • Magnetic plate
    • Comes in Heavy Industrial Magnetic Plate, Large and Small grid versions.
    • Allows surface locking.
    • Useful for cranes, mecha, or custom landing gear.

Improved Default Behavior

Before the update, the default behavior when it came to toggling power had that undesired effect of impacting all grids, subgrids, and connected (connector) grids. As a result, it made it hard to control large or complex constructions. This became a problem when it came to the charging station or base. The new update makes some changes that improve how the power toggle behaves. This should allow docking, subgrids, and alternative power supply configurations to operate more intuitively.

Improved also was the brake toggle. In the past, the default behavior of the parking brake was triggered when all grids would toggle. The update improves the behavior by giving players the choice to ignore the Parking Brake functionality.

Cosmetic Items

The DLC also offers these items:

  • Large Magnetic Plate
  • Beam Blocks
  • Industrial Conveyor Pipes
  • Cylindrical Column
  • Vertical Button Panel
  • Large Hydrogen Tank Reskin
  • Large Cargo Container Reskin
  • Industrial Refinery
  • Industrial Assembler
  • Industrial Hydrogen Thrusters
  • Hazard Pattern Armor Skin

The Heavy Industry DLC is available for $3.99.


In addition to the DLC, Update 1.199 also has these fixes and improvements:

  • Fixed a crash when a Promo image is corrupted. Images are now downloaded as zip files and then extracted.
  • Fixed a crash when switching to a controller.
  • Fixed a loss of control for ships being unlocked by a client.
  • Fixed a UI freeze when one of the characters is killed during player trading.
  • Fixed character skin disappearing after respawn.

Read the full changelog here.

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