'Hearthstone' Spellbook Duel Tavern Brawl Guide: The Best 10 Card Deck To Get Your Card Pack

Me destroying a Druid with my Mage deck
Me destroying a Druid with my Mage deck IDigitalTimes

This week’s Hearthstone Tavern Brawl is “Spellbook Duel.” You pick 10 cards and every time you draw a new card, you also Discover one of those 10 cards. It’s a simple gimmick Brawl, but it’s still really fun. There are so many absolutely insane decks you can make to cheese your opponent, like a Mage deck with unlimited damage or a Druid deck that can create 30/30 Jade Druids with no problems.

There’s also a special card that’s been added for this Brawl called Peruse. It fills a good portion of your deck and allows you to Discover a card for one mana. This card is so simple and fun to abuse, which is what these decks excel at the best. Do you want unlimited Jade Golems or damage and cards in your hand?

Here are two decklists for Hearthstone’s newest brawl that I’m sure will help you win your games.

Infinite Damage Mage:

Forbidden Flame

Mana Wyrm

Mirror Image

Arcane Missile

Ice Lance

Sorcerer's Apprentice

Arcane Intellect


Potion Of Polymorph

Gadgetzan Auctioneer

This is the meanest deck that has ever been created. You play Mana Wyrm on turn one, which you’ve either drawn or Discovered and then play Sorcerer's Apprentice on turn two, followed by Flamewalker and whatever zero mana spells are now in your hand. If you can get a Gadgetzan Auctioneer on the field, you draw cards and deal damage.

Play Peruse with all your combo pieces on the field and keep drawing infinitely. Your opponent barely has time to react before an 10/3 Mana Wyrm comes swinging for lethal damage. Try this deck out at least once; you’ll feel like a Dirty Rat but it’s worth the massive sense of shame.

Jade Idol Druid:


Jade Idol

Jade Spirit

Wild Growth


Astral Communion




Gadgetzan Auctioneer

This Jade Druid deck isn’t nearly as terrifying as the Mage, but it is fun. Setting up infinite Jade Idols and Jade Spirits allows for some pretty strong Jade Golems. I managed to push a 12/12 Golem after getting 10 mana from Astral Communion . Try out it, you might just get your card pack with style.

How do you like the new Brawl? Tell us in the comments.

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