Elite Dangerous Players Discover Locked Thargoid Facility Not Far From Civilized Space

Elite Dangerous
Elite Dangerous Frontier

The mystery of the Thargoids continues to deepen, thanks to a new discovery by several Elite Dangerous players, as we get closer to the long-awaited return of mankind’s former foe. And it looks like Frontier isn’t waiting until fall to give the ED community an expanded idea of what it will be up against when the fifth Elite Dangerous expansion, The Return, debuts later this year.

Players have been hunting for evidence of Thargoids for years, dating back to the emergence of the Unknown Artefacts, but finding proof of life hasn’t been easy. There were mysterious interdictions and Thargoid sightings on planetary surfaces, a pair of events that have since been experienced by dozens (perhaps hundreds) of Elite Dangerous players. But Frontier has finally confirmed the Thargoids return, promising a full-on arms race when the aliens return to the Milky Way (in force) later this year. The studio also promised new content would emerge before the final set of content covered by the Elite Dangerous Horizons season pass. And the first batch of that new material seems to be out now.

Members of the Elite Dangerous community stumbled upon an unidentified Thargoid construction, on a planet dangerously close to civilized space, on Monday. It’s the latest in a string of discoveries over the last few months but easily the most exciting, given the seemingly permanent nature of the facility. Then again, we can’t be the only ones who think the structure(s) in question look awfully similar to a buried Thargoid ship.

Here are the coordinates, via reddit:

System: HIP 19026

Planet: B 1 C

Location: Lat: -17 Long: -152

Given public interest in the site, Elite Dangerous players shouldn’t be surprised to learn that the location has already become prime hunting ground for PvP-focused players. Pirates and gankers have been hanging out near the planet, ready to shoot down any unprepared pilots who stopped by hoping for a quick glimpse at the Thargoid menace. So anyone interested in pursuing their own investigation might want to stick with a Private or Solo instance for now.

For a top-level view of the Thargoid facility discovered on Monday, take a few minutes to review the footage captured by Malic_VR. Then head down to the comments section and let us know what you’re hoping to see when the Thargoids return to Elite Dangerous later this year.

Elite Dangerous is currently available on PS4, Xbox One and PC. The game’s next expansion, The Return, is expected to debut this fall.

Be sure to check back with Player.One and follow Scott on Twitter for more Elite Dangerous news in 2017 and however long Frontier Developments supports Elite Dangerous in the years ahead.

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