ChinaJoy 2019: Blazing Beaks Officially Announced For PS4

Available now on the Switch and PC.
Developer Applava announces a PS4 port of their roguelite Blazing Beaks during ChinaJoy 2019.
Developer Applava announces a PS4 port of their roguelite Blazing Beaks during ChinaJoy 2019. Applava

ChinaJoy 2019 ramped up over the weekend, and with it another host of titles from China-based developers as the country’s biggest gaming expo is now on the verge of ending. There are tons of games that were featured over the past few days, so be sure to stick around for our coverage of everything announced at this event, especially seeing as China is starting to gain footing in video game development – and that means more great games for everyone.

PlayStation 4 players are in for one heck of a treat as developer Applava officially announced that their successful and critically acclaimed roguelite Blazing Beaks will be making its way to the console. The top-down shooter, originally released back in May for the Switch and the PC via Steam, sits on a Very Positive rating. If you’re like me and have been looking for ages for a very decent roguelite, then we may have found a hidden gem with Blazing Beaks. Check out the trailer below.

At a glance, you know that the game just oozes Enter the Gungeon vibes. It’s not inherently a bad thing either, as I could use more games like that in my backlog to play. That said, Blazing Beaks is a bit different when it comes to progression, as the game's Steam page shares more on what makes it special and stand out from the rest of the genre.

Weapon progression works a lot like other roguelites – you die, you lose it all, and you begin anew. In Blazing Beaks, however, you get better gear by picking up Artifacts in stages. These Artifacts carry negative effects, which can range from acceptable to rage-inducing. However, once a Store opens up (randomly generated), you can trade in all the Artifacts you have picked up for better equipment. It’s a very interesting concept that adds a lot of depth to each and every playthrough, since the game is asking you to weigh your options on whether or not an Artifact is worth picking up.

Blazing Beaks is now available to play on PC via Steam and on Switch. The PS4 release does not have a release date as of yet.

ChinaJoy 2019 ran from August 2, and will be officially ending later today, August 5.


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