NewsCrysis Remastered Update 1.2.0 Patch Notes ReleasedThe second major PC update for Crysis Remaster introduces CPU and Ray-Tracing optimizations and as well as breaks down vegetation physics. 10/05/20
NewsUnhappy Spider-Man Fans Threaten Insomniac Over Peter Parker's Face ChangeInsomniac's Bryan Intihar shares how fans have been threatening him for changing Peter Parker's face. 10/05/20
NewsCall Of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Open Beta Game Modes ConfirmedThe confirmed game modes include Team Deathmatch, Domination, Kill Confirmed, VIP Escort, and Combined Arms. 10/05/20
NewsCyberpunk 2077's Night City Map LeakedThe leaked map reveals the expansive scale of Night City, comprising of six districts. 10/05/20
NewsApex Legends Is Planning A Live Damage Meter During MatchesRespawn also confirmed that it is working on the Nintendo Switch port for Apex Legends. 10/05/20
News6 Of The Best NVMe Storage Solutions For PC GamersStepping into the next generation of gaming? Make sure your hard drives aren't holding your back. 10/05/20
NewsDirt 5 Doesn't Support Cross-Save Between PS4 And PS5Dirt 5 is joining the list of games that don't support cross-save between PS4 and PS5 10/02/20
NewsSuper Mario Bros. 35 Battle Royale Is LiveSuper Mario Bros. 35 is live until March 31, 2021. 10/02/20
NewsSea Of Thieves Gets New DLC To Support Stand Up To Cancer CampaignThe star-studded Sails of Union are here to light up the night and bring hope. 10/01/20
News7 Of The Best Visual Novels On PS4Never played visual novels before? Here are seven amazing visual novels to get you hooked to the genre. 10/01/20
NewsCall Of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Zombies Reveal Trailer Shows Perks, Weapons, Maps, And MoreBlack Ops Cold War Zombies mode includes classic perk machines, classic weapons, and classic maps! 09/30/20
NewsSpider-Man: Miles Morales Supports Cross-SaveUnlike Spider-Man: Remastered, Miles Morales has been confirmed to support cross-save. 09/30/20
NewsCD Projekt Red Is Working Six Days A Week Until Cyberpunk 2077 ReleasesCD Projekt Red is also trending on Twitter with the news becoming public. 09/30/20
NewsXbox Game Pass Is Getting Doom Eternal, Brutal Legend, And More In OctoberXbox Game Pass welcomes Doom Eternal, Brutal Legend, Forza Motorsport 7, Ikenfell, and Drake Hollow in October. 09/29/20
NewsNvidia Responds To RTX 3080 Crashing IssuesNvidia released a new driver that seems to mitigate crashes on the RTX 3080. 09/29/20
NewsAssassin's Creed Valhalla Gets A New Story TrailerThe new trailer briefs us on Eivor's journey in finding a home for their people in England. 09/29/20
NewsResident Evil Netflix Series Coming In 2021Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness stars the series' iconic characters Leon Kennedy and Claire Redfield. 09/29/20
NewsDevil May Cry 5's Vergil Is A Paid DLC For PS4 And Xbox OneSadly, the enigmatic villain will not be available for PC users. 09/29/20
News5 Of The Best Video Games Set In PandemicsWishing to play some games based on a pandemic setting? Here are five of them you might like. 09/28/20
NewsXbox Game Pass Ultimate Now Also Offers Funimation StreamingXbox Game Pass Ultimate users can gain two-months of free Funimation subscription. 09/28/20
NewsThe Nvidia RTX 3080 Has A Major ProblemMany RTX 3080 buyers have been reporting graphical artifacts and crashes when gaming on the new GPU. 09/28/20
NewsCall Of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Campaign Offers Open-Ended Missions, Dialogue ChoicesBlack Ops Cold War will feature open-ended missions, dialogue choices, and unlockable side-missions. 09/28/20
News9 Of The Best Video Game Remasters You Should PlayVideo game remasters are quite popular these days but not all of them are as brilliant as the ones mentioned in the article. 09/28/20
NewsGrounded Receiving New Content Update On September 30The September Update for Grounded is expected to add ziplines, a spinning wheel, and new landmarks. 09/28/20
NewsFallout 76 Test Servers Are Returning For Steel Dawn UpdateThe Public Test Servers seeks to test Steel Dawn builds and C.A.M.P Shelter feature. 09/25/20
NewsSplit Screen Will Return To Rocket League On SwitchPsyonix is working on bringing back the split-screen mode for Switch players. 09/25/20
NewsLeft 4 Dead 2: The Last Stand Update Now Available On PCThe Last Stand update adds a new campaign, weapons, survival maps, and much more. 09/25/20
Capcom Spotlight Provides 'Onimusha' Updates: More 'Way of the Sword' Details, 'Samurai's Destiny' Remaster