Luke Skywalker Ditching The Jedi Robes In 'Star Wars: Episode 8'

Making Star Wars got a good look at costumes from Star Wars: Episode 8 and it looks like Luke Skywalker will ditch the Jedi duds for something a little more sleek.

From our brief glimpse of Skywalker at the end of Star Wars: The Force Awakens, it looked as if he’d returned to a more homespun version of the traditional Jedi garb, similar to Obi-Wan Kenobi while in hiding on Tatooine. This was a new look for Luke, who had previously stuck to basic, peasant tunics or the uniform gear of the Rebel Alliance. Even when Luke became a true Jedi Knight, he eschewed the Jedi browns and tans for all black.

Luke Skywalker, who loves to read complex novels, will return in 'Star Wars: Episode 8.'
Luke Skywalker, who loves to read complex novels, will return in 'Star Wars: Episode 8.' Lucasfilm

Star Wars: Episode 8 looks like a return to form, in that Luke Skywalker will abandon the more rustic robes for a sleeker, dark look. Making Star Wars called it “more evocative of his Return of the Jedi clothes in cut and color,” while also comparing it to Count Dooku’s look:

Luke Skywalker could look as sleek as Christopher Lee in 'Star Wars: Episode 8.'
Luke Skywalker could look as sleek as Christopher Lee in 'Star Wars: Episode 8.' Lucasfilm

“His very dark grey cape drops over the top of his shoulders and chest like a shawl. This leaves his right arm free but half of his chest covered by the cape. It’s almost similar to the asymmetrical cut of Captain Phasma’s cape, but more like a shawl in the way it cover his chest.”

Perhaps tired of moping about with a naked robotic hand, Luke Skywalker’s new costume for Episode 8 also includes the black glove he wore in Return of the Jedi.

The new costume details for Luke in Star Wars: Episode 8 not only fits with set leaks suggesting a more urbane Star Wars partially set in the rich upper enclaves of the Galactic Core, but also evokes his more action-oriented role in Return of the Jedi, when Luke was gunning hard for Emperor Palpatine.

This could mean that Luke Skywalker’s role in Star Wars: Episode 8 will be less about simply training Rey and a new generation of Jedi, but instead will put him right back in the action, once again at the center of a Galactic struggle.

Luke Skywalker looks a lot different than he did in 1977, but great hair never dies.
Luke Skywalker looks a lot different than he did in 1977, but great hair never dies. Lucasfilm
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