EA DICE released an update for Star Wars Battlefront 2 with the aim of improving the game's Capital Supremacy mode. Capital Supremacy is a 20v20 mode launched March 26.
Changes in the update include offering new content features:
- Added new game mode called Capital Supremacy, playable on a brand new map on Geonosis (Pipeline Junction West).
- Added new interior maps inside the Republic Attack Cruiser and the Separatist Dreadnought, as part of the Capital Supremacy game mode.
- Added the ability to play against and alongside AI online, as part of the Capital Supremacy game mode.
- Added a new Infiltrator Reinforcement class which includes the ARC Trooper and the Commando Droid as playable Characters.
- A new appearance for Count Dooku, Exquisite Pajamas, is now available to unlock for Credits and Crystals.
- Added Geonosis - Trippa Hive to Hero Showdown.
Meanwhile, two QoL updates were added:
- The look of the Emote Wheel on the Collection menu has been updated to be consistent with the in-game Emote Wheel.
- With Capital Supremacy, we have adjusted the Battle Point costs to reflect the change in value that the new Reinforcements introduce.
The update also brings makes improvement on Lightsaber combat, in particular:
- Removed staggering when a player attacks an enemy who is blocking.
- A Hero can no longer attack when they have no stamina.
- Removed the stamina costs associated with pressing and holding block.
- After being hit by a Lightsaber, players will not be able to be staggered by a Lightsaber attack for 0.8 seconds.
- Added stamina costs to Darth Maul's attacks.
- Balanced Rey's Insight and Darth Vader's Focused Rage abilities. They now each give 50% reduced stamina costs when active.

Anakin Skywalker experienced the biggest change in the update, with the developers improving the timing of his abilities so that more timely attacks are possible especially after performing an ability. The button placement for his abilities have been adjusted as well to allow for more intuitive controls.
Developers also fixed an issue where Anakin would be unable to attack or cast abilities if he was stunned by an ability while "Retribution" was active.
Additional changes for Anakin include fixing the different clipping issues in relation to his Victory poses. The texts for his Heroic Impact ability and Pressure Star Card have been edited for clarity.
A full list of the changes can be viewed here.
- Amazing story
- Gorgeous visuals and top-notch audio
- Multiplayer decisions ruin the fun
- Little reason to keep playing