Star Trek Online is celebrating its 11th birthday tomorrow. What better way to celebrate than having the 2021 Anniversary Legendary Bundle? It features the Legendary Ships from both the Federation and the Klingon Empire. There’s also a lot of goodies that come with it.
The bundle is priced at 25,000 Zen. However, from February 18 and all the way to March 4, it’s going to be offered at 25% off. We’re going to take a closer look at some of these ships today. Before that, here are the other items being offered in this bundle:
- 2 100% Off T6 Ship Coupons
- The Ability to Fly Ships of Any Faction
- Unlocked Across the player's Entire Account
- 6 Ship Slots
- 6 Experimental Upgrade Tokens
- 11 Ultimate Tech Upgrades
- 11 Master Keys
- 11 R&D Promotional Ship Crafting Packs
- Gre’thor Targ Combat Companion
- Exclusive to Pack – Holo Bridge Officer: Worf
- Exclusive to Pack – Boreth Monk Robes Outfit
- Exclusive to Pack – Title “Got to Eleven”
Back to Basics
The Klingon Empire hasn’t stopped in developing and improving its Bird of Prey. Despite the new forms and technological advancements, it seems they all go back to the B'rel Class. Not surprising since this is more than perfect. The Legendary B'rel Bird of Prey is the latest version and has the classic aesthetics of the B’rel combined with the most modern technology the KDF has to offer. Get to learn more about this ship here.

The First of its Kind
For the Federation, one of the iconic ships is the U.S.S. Excelsior. After all, it was the first starship from the Federation to make use of the Transwarp drive. It was dubbed as the “Great Experiment” despite the apparent failure. Still, the ship proved that it was a good research ship that came with excellent defense and became known in many worlds, especially under the helm of Captain Hikaru Sulu. Read more about it here.

There’s been a lot of events happening in the run-up to the 11th anniversary. There’s the 11th Anniversary Event which started last January 26 and will run through February 25. For now, it’s limited to the PC with versions for the console to be released at a later date.
So what do you think? How are you celebrating Star Trek Online’s birthday?