Looking for a complete list of PvZ Heroes' new Triassic Triumph cards? Check out every card we've unlocked along with stats and abilities, here.
The latest Plant vs Zombies Heroes update has arrived bringing with it the brand new 50 card Triassic Triumph deck teased last month. The deck brings not only new cards to the game but also a new fusion ability. To help you figure out what the new cards have to offer, we’ve put together a complete list of every Triassic Triumph card we’ve unlocked, along with related stats and abilities. Check it out below.
Triassic Triumph Card List: Every New Card In The January 2018 Plant vs Zombies Heroes Update

Triassic Triumph Legendary Cards
Loco Coco
Type: Fruit Nut Plant
Stats: 3 ATK, 4 HP
Abilities : When played makes Wall-Nuts next door.
Special Abilities: Nut Evolution - Plants with no ATK get 3 ATK
Veloci-Radish Hunter
Type: Root Animal Plant
Stats: 1 ATK, 3 HP
Abilities : When played, make a copy of this with Team Up here
Special Abilities : Dino-Roar - this gets 1+ATK
Type: Root Animal Plant
Mana : 6
Stats: 5 ATK, 5 HP
Abilities : When played, conjure a Root
Special Abilities : Untrickable, Dino-Roar: This gets +1/+1
Bird Of Paradise
Type: Flower Animal Plant
Mana : 5
Stats: 4 ATK, 5 HP
Abilities : Amphibious, at start of turn conjure a Superpower
*** more Legendary cards will be added soon.
Triassic Triumph Super Rare Cards

Marine Bean
Type: Amphibious Bean Animal Plant
Stats: 2 ATK, 3 HP
Special Abilities : When played this gets 2HP for each other Plant in the Water
Type: Berry Plant
Stats: 3 ATK, 3 HP
Special Abilities : When you play a berry, do 1 damage to Zombies here and next door. Berry Evolution: Gain a Berry Blast
Savage Spinach
Type: Leafy Plant
Mana : 4
Stats: 3 ATK, 5 HP
Special Abilities : Leafy Evolution - All Plants in your hand and this plant get 2+ ATK.
Type: Root Plant
Mana : 2
Stats: 2 ATK, 1 HP
Abilities: Amphibious, This attacks both lanes next door instead of this lane.
Shrinking Violet
Type: Flower Trick
Mana : 4
Abilities : A Zombie and Zombies next door get -2 ATK, then destroy any Zombies that have 0 ATK
*** more Super Rare cards will be added soon.
Triassic Triumph Rare Cards

Pumpkin Shell
Type: Squash Plant
Stats: 2 ATK, 4 HP
Special Abilities: Fusion - A plant played on this gets 2 ATK/1HP
Shelf Mushroom
Type: Mushroom Berry Plant
Stats: 2 ATK, 3 HP
Special Abilities: Fusion - does 2 damage
Pea Patch
Type: Leafy Pea Plant
Stats: 2 ATK, 4 HP
Abilities: Fusion - A plant played on this gets 2 ATK/1HP
Lily Pad
Type: Leafy Plant
Mana: 1
Stats: 1 HP
Abilities: Amphibious
Special Abilities: Fusion - a plant played on this gets Amphibious plus conjure a Leafy card
*** more Rare cards will be added soon.
Triassic Triumph Uncommon Cards

Type: Banana Plant
Stats: 2 ATK, 2 HP
Abilities: When destroyed, all Bananas in your hand get 1+ ATK
Typical Beanstalk
Type: Leafy Bean Plant
Mana: 5
Stats: 4 ATK, 4 HP
Abilities: When played next to a Leafy Plant, draw a card.
Primal Peashooter
Type: Pea Plant
Mana: 1
Stats: 2 ATK, 2 HP
Abilities: When this hurts a Zombie, Bounce that Zombie.
Lil Buddy
Type: Flower Seed Plant
Mana : 0
Stats: 1 HP
Abilities: Team-up - when played heal your hero for 2
Sunnier Shroom
Type: Mushroom Plant
Mana : 3
Stats: 3 HP
Abilities: Team-up - at the start of the turn, gives you 2+ solar power.
*** more Uncommon cards will be added soon.