Propnight: Patch 2.0.1 Improves Killer Hit Processing and Fixes Some Exploits

Propnight Steam

The latest update for Propnight is here. Patch 2.0.1 improves hit processing where all of the hits made by Killers are now done on the server-side. This prevents the issue where Killers could strike Survivors from far away.

In addition, some exploits have been patched up. Previously, when the Impostor was in Survivor form, it could jump really far even with a completely depleted stamina. Fortunately, this is no longer possible.

For improvements, items that come from chests will now go directly to the inventory if there are free slots available. Moreover, the things that you can get are now more diverse since items of the same type will no longer appear.

There’s some interesting stuff that has been implemented in Quick Play as well. The Castle map, introduced in a previous update, now has a standard chance of appearing in this mode. Furthermore, the issue where you could not form a team with the people you’ve played with recently has been resolved.


  • Reduced the duration to 2 seconds
  • Now when a Survivor is affected by the Cryosphere, there will be a freezing effect and timer on the screen
  • Reduced Scream radius to 7.5 meters
  • The Flight charge depletion was reconfigured so that it goes fast for the duration of the first 0.5 seconds, but in general, the time to full consumption remains the same
  • Now you cannot use Curse on Exit Doors
  • Props: removed the super jump from the walls
  • Building Set: increased the area of destruction of wooden barricades by 2
  • All maps: adjusted locations of Killer Stores
  • Settings: added the ability to adjust the volume of the music from the radio
  • Fixed that if a player accepted an invitation to a team while searching for a game, they would leave their current team but would not be able to join the new team and the search would not stop
  • Fixed that after opening the Exit Doors the match time could still be increased to be longer than max time (1 minute)
Killer Exploits
  • Banshee: fixed an exploit that allowed Banshee to jump in the air after using Flight
  • Akasha: fixed an exploit that allowed the use of Blade Dance while jumping
  • Fixed prop controls being less responsive
  • Fixed that some props could not move normally while holding Shift
  • Fixed an exploit that made moving backward faster
  • Fixed that it was sometimes possible to turn into an invincible prop

Propnight Patch 2.0.1 is available on PC.

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