The Gym system in Pokémon Go has always been the weakest part of the popular mobile game, and Niantic is looking to change that with a brand new update that will retool how Gyms work.
According to the official Pokémon Go blog , Gyms will be disabled in the coming days. But once they go back online, Pokémon Go Gyms will see some of the biggest changes yet.
The first big change is that trainers will be able to spin the discs at Gyms to get items, similar to how PokeStops work. Also, defending Pokémon in Gyms are not as easily removed as they were before. Instead, they now feature six permanent slots that can be filled by the controlling team’s Pokémon.
To make Gyms more unique and fun, each Pokémon assigned to these slots must be unique. For example, only one Blissey can be assigned to a Gym at a time. In addition, opposing teams will battle the Pokémon in the order they were assigned to the Gym.

A new motivation system will be what makes Gyms run in Pokémon Go . When a Pokémon is assigned to a Gym, a motivation meter will be displayed. Pokémon assigned to defend a Gym lose motivation over time and as they are defeated in battle. When a Pokémon’s motivation decreases, its CP will temporarily decrease, making it easier for opposing teams to defeat.
To combat this, trainers will need to feed their Pokémon and the other assigned Pokémon using Berries, which will restore their motivation. Once a Pokémon loses all of their motivation, they will return to their trainer after they lose another battle. It’ll be up to you and your team to keep your defenders in tiptop shape.

Gym badges will now be introduced in the new Pokémon Go update. Trainers can earn badges by interacting with other Gyms. Trainers will be able to level up their badges to gain better rewards and bonus items.
Raid battles are a huge addition to Pokémon Go, allowing trainers to collaborate with others from their team to take down powerful Pokémon called Raid Bosses. Defending Pokémon at a Gym will return to their trainer and then an Egg will appear at the top of the Gym alongside a countdown. The Boss will be revealed once the countdown reaches zero.

However, trainers will need to receive a Raid Pass to battle these powerful Pokémon. Trainers receive one free Raid Pass a day, but you can only hold one at a time (so no hoarding). Once you enter a Raid Battle, up to 20 trainers can fight the boss at once. If you defeat the Raid Boss within five minutes you’ll have a chance to catch that Pokémon.
The final part of the Pokémon Go update is the inclusion of brand new items. There will be three new items that can be obtained by defeating Raid Bosses, which include the Rare Candy, Golden Razz Berry and two types of Technical Machines (TMs). One TM for your fast attack and another for your Pokémon’s charged attack. This allows for trainers to change the moveset of their Pokémon.
So what do you think of the upcoming update to Pokémon Go ? Do you think this is a good start to the Pokémon Go year? Let us know in the comments section below.
- As Close To Living Pokémon Fantasy As It Gets
- Active And Engaging Experience
- Lots Of Mon And Events
- Battles Aren't What Fans Expect
- Very Grindy