'Pokémon Go' Evolution Guide: CP Multiplier Sheet Calculates Combat Points When Pokémon Evolve

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'Pokémon Go' Evolution CP Multiplier Sheet estimates how much CP a Pokemon will have after evolution.
'Pokémon Go' Evolution CP Multiplier Sheet estimates how much CP a Pokemon will have after evolution. Pokémon Go

Pokémon Go is evolving. When the game first came out, everything was new and innovative. But the novelty of walking around and catching new 'mon has somewhat waned. The new priority? It's all about whatever it takes to make our Pokémon stronger and more effective in gym battles.

Since there are no official guides for Pokémon Go, it's become somewhat of a black art and it's up to avid players to share their knowledge. No doubt, the Pokémon Go subreddit is extremely active and there's a treasure trove of info for anyone that wants to improve their game. Redditor /u/Carlitocarlin shared a pretty extensive spreadsheet (click this link to check out the Pokémon Go Evolution CP Multiplier Sheet) that attempts to make some sense out of how much CP each Pokémon gains when it evolves.

"The data so far is based off community input, so I also created a form that'll auto-update the sheet," said Carlitocarlin. "When your Pokemon evolve, take note of the before and after CP and contribute to the sheet! Here's the form in question."

While imperfect (it's a limited sample set), the method is scientific in its approach. Essentially, Carlitocarlin is relying on crowd sourced information to generate a spreadsheet that lets us see, approximately, the change in CP before and after evolution for each Pokémon. The spreadsheet is complete with an average CP multiplier as well as a minimum, maximum and median figure. A standard deviation and "# of submissions" column also helps readers get an idea of the accuracy of each Pokémon evolution.

Carlitocarlin's spreadsheet is continuously updated as the community continues to add more data. However, this also invites trolls that want nothing more than to sabotage the accuracy of the figures.

"Again, numbers are all based on community input," Carlitocarlin explained. "So take 'em with a grain of salt. I'll be sifting through periodically to handle any anomalies/troll inputs, and will be looking to do a deeper dive when I get more data."

Furthermore readers also raised concerns that the spreadsheet is missing any reflection of trainer level. While Carlitocarlin did address the concern at first, fellow Redditor /u/Joedang100 took it upon himself to crunch the collected data in order to determine that trainer level, in fact, does not affect evolution CP. Well then!

Did you find the Pokémon Go CP Multiplier spreadsheet useful? (click this link to check out the Pokémon Go Evolution CP Multiplier Sheet) Let us know in the comment section below!

Pokémon Go
A Flawed But Magnificent Experience
Pokémon Go has swept the country but is the mobile game worth an install? Despite its flaws, Pokémon Go really delivers the Pokemon-capture experience.
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