Musical Platformer One Hand Clapping Brings Colorful Conundrums To Multiple Platforms In 2021

'What is the sound of one hand clapping?'
One Hand Clapping will bring its colorful conundrums to various platforms in 2021.
One Hand Clapping will bring its colorful conundrums to various platforms in 2021. Handy Games

The 2D musical platformer One Hand Clapping will release on iOS, Android, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and PC, as announced by publisher Handy Games.

The indie platformer, developed by Bad Dream Games, is a puzzle game with a certain soft spot for music. Set in Silent City, you play as a mysterious purplish being with the sole dream of singing and creating music. However, in Silent City you cannot do this, so you will travel throughout the game’s world, meeting a bunch of mysterious characters that help you discover the power of your voice and save the world.

The game’s main campaign takes about four hours to complete, with a bunch of different environments (or biomes) that you can discover which set the mood for your singing journey. There is also an Educational Mode that can train you and provide tips in both singing and music theory, making your second, third or fourth play through a breeze. One Hand Clapping’s gameplay revolves around singing into a microphone, hitting the right notes (most of the time) and solving puzzle to move the story forward. Bad Dream games claims that it doesn’t require a fancy-schmancy microphone to have the full game experience, but just fiddling through the game’s microphone sensitivity settings will work.

Boasting a minimalist aesthetic full of colorful and vibrant landscapes, One Hand Clapping is a gorgeous game. The simple style, accentuated with colors that pop, is nothing new in indie titles, but One Hand Clapping executes it perfectly. What makes the art style work is that despite its simplicity, the game’s theme, which is its music, allows it to be carried. Sound play takes the driver’s seat for this indie puzzler.

With all that said, One Hand Clapping is a title that has created enough noise and that everyone should be waiting for. You can check the game out now on, where, like Exodemon, it’s currently enjoying a neat little following.


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