Hearts of Iron IV Patch 1.12.10: Balancing Tweaks, AI Improvements, and More

Hearts of Iron IV Update 1.12.3
Hearts of Iron IV Update 1.12.3 Steam

Hearts of Iron IV Operation Sabre Patch 1.12.10 is here and it brings some very intriguing changes, such as game difficulty adjustments and balancing tweaks. Both UI and AI were touched upon as well.

When playing the game at Easy or Very Easy difficulties, human players will receive Peace Score from AI countries. Mountaineers tech will now be unlocked for Bulgaria, and low war participation countries will transfer all their Peace Score to other countries. Faction Leader will receive a part of the Faction members’ Peace Score. A portion of the patch notes is mentioned below.

  • For easy and very easy difficulties, AI countries will transfer a part of their Peace Score to the human player(s)
  • Puppets will transfer a part of their Peace Score to their Overlord (can be disabled with custom game rules)
  • Faction members will transfer a part of their Peace Score to their Faction Leader (can be disabled with custom game rules)
  • Countries with a low war participation score will transfer all their Peace Score to other countries (can be disabled with custom game rules)
  • Make peace score redistribution game rules disabled by default
  • Prussia of the Balkans rebalanced slightly, and more of the modifiers now scale as the spirit is upgraded
  • Bulgaria now begins with the Mountaineers tech unlocked
  • Bulgaria: National Railway Lines now take 35 days, from 70. Added two mutually exclusive focuses after this, choosing between exploiting aluminum resources (16 Aluminum) or natural gold deposits (stability + civ)
  • Integrated designers navy spirit no longer gives double bonus and only gives research bonus for ship modules now
  • Romania: several new focuses added which enable the possibility to manipulate which country leader will run the fascist party
  • all countries will now build carrier aircraft if they have carriers, countries with low military factories are less likely to spend too much on fighters
  • increased carrier aircraft wanted buffer for countries with carriers to 1.5x total deck space
  • Fixed various issues with tech tree on different resolutions
  • Bulgaria's default UI color (used for allegiance/country unit banners) is now the same as their starting country color
  • Main menu Social Media buttons update
  • Added some scripted AI desires for land doctrines
  • Fixed bug in how AI prioritizes its construction queue
  • Stop AI from queueing up more naval bases and railways if they are already waiting to be upgraded
  • Italy will now be much less active on the French front for the first months of the war, unless France are losing badly, or Germany is under threat
  • AI will check if it should afford the monthly cost of Improve Relations before attempting it
  • USA colorado class battleships now obsolete in 1936

The complete patch notes of Hearts of Iron IV Patch 1.12.10 are available on Steam.

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