Fallout 76 Bringing Back Meat Week and Double S.C.O.R.E.

Bring on the meat.
Bring on the meat. Bethesda

It looks like meat’s back on the menu! The Meat Week Seasonal Event is coming back to Fallout 76 this August 17. That’s not the only thing happening this August though.

Before we go into the “meaty” details, there’s already an ongoing event. From August 12 to August 16, players can enjoy twice the S.C.O.R.E. from the Daily Challenges with Double S.C.O.R.E. For the same period, there’s a Purveyor Sale where everyone can enjoy a 25% discount on any legendary weapons and armor.

All Meat

The Meat Week Seasonal Event & Bonus Challenges start August 17 and last until August 23. Like in the past, this event is divided into two.

The first is Primal Cuts. Once Meat Week begins, three Primal Cuts events will happen every 15 minutes in different areas across Appalachia. Just go to one of them and then take down the waves of Prime Beasts before time runs out. In addition to loot, players also get to earn some pieces of Prime Meat.

The second part is Grahm’s Meat-Cook. For every hour, Grahm and his pal Chally the Moo-Moo will host a party for everyone. They’re appearing just south of Vault 76. There’s a lot of things to do, but the goal is to have the best Meat-Cook. That’s because the more successful the Meat-Cook, the higher the chances of getting themed rewards. Plus, Graham is willing to pay Legendary Scrip for top-quality Prime Meat.

There’s an additional incentive in joining Meat Week, since a few days when it starts, there’s going to be Double XP. It will occur from August 19 to August 23.

Welcome Back Minerva

For those who can remember, Minerva started her Big Sale last week. She took some time off to restock her supplies. Now, she’s actually preparing to return to Appalachia and offer some rare items in return for some Gold Bullion. For the next three weeks, Minerva will be at Fort Atlas, Foundation, or even The Crater from Monday to Wednesday. Her complete schedule is:

  • Visit #1: August 16 to August 18
  • Visit #2: August 23 to August 25
  • Visit #3: August 30 to September 1

After those three visits, Minerva will be having a big sale from September 9 to September 13. She’s then going to take a few days off before repeating the cycle.

Fallout 76 is available on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

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