Everything You Need To Know About Animal Crossing: New Horizons Save Data Transfer Feature

Transferring islands has never been easy.
Transferring islands has never been easy. Nintendo

Animal Crossing: New Horizons recently released update Version 1.6. One feature that came with this new update is that players now have two choices on how to transfer their save data to another Nintendo Switch system. Players can either transfer individual player data or the full island save data.

Before we go into how to do the transfer, it’s important to remember that save transfers don't require a Nintendo Switch Online membership.

Transfer the Entire Island

This situation usually comes when a player wants to transfer all of their island data to a second system with no plans to go back to their island on the original system.

How does this work? Let’s say you bought a new Nintendo Switch Lite system and plan to give your original Switch to your sibling. Instead of starting from scratch, the entire island transfer option makes it possible to transfer all of your Animal Crossing: New Horizons data to the new system.

It’s important to remembers that both systems need the Island Transfer Tool to be installed. Thankfully, this is a free download in the Switch eShop.

Transfer Individual Player Data

This option is best for those who want to transfer an individual player from one island to another one which is located on a different system. Let’s say you share an island with your brother. As fun as it was, you know it’s time to move him to a new island. With this transfer option, you get to keep the island while your brother gets to keep the progress of his character.

You can view the step-by-step directions here.

New Update

The new Animal Crossing: New Horizons 1.6 update isn’t just about data transfers. The update also includes a collaboration with Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp, which should be rather exciting. Players should also be happy to know that their in-game home can be expanded to its largest size. The home storage now offers 2,400 slots.

The update also celebrates Turkey Day on November 26. None other than first-class chef Franklin is arriving, and will host a gathering in the plaza. Help collect ingredients for Franklin to put in his dishes. In return he’ll give you a gift as thanks.

There’s also going to be Toy Day, which is on December 24. Jingle is going to visit your island, and if you help him deliver presents, there’s a gift in it for you. For December 1 to December 25, everyone has the chance to buy toys from Nook’s Cranny and there's even some holiday-themed clothing available at the Able Sisters shop.

Learn more about the update here.

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