Clash Quest: New Changes to Certain Runes in Update 6

Clash Quest
Clash Quest Twitter/@ClashQuest

A new update for Clash Quest is now available. Update 6 implements changes to certain runes, including the Barbarian’s War Cry and Wizard’s Mini Fireball. Numerous bug fixes have also been implemented.

In the previous content update for Clash Quest, developers added Runes, which provide new abilities to each member of your crew. That said, some changes have been made. The Wizard’s Mini Fireball Rune no longer targets walls, meaning that each fireball should now hit the right targets.

Next is the Barbarian’s War Cry Rune. When combined with the Rage Sword, it was applying the damage modifier in the wrong order. This resulted in the Barbarian dealing more damage than intended while both buffs were active at the same time. This has now been resolved.

For bug fixes, the issue where you were unable to interact with the Magic Item bag after using it at the end of the game has been addressed. In addition, you will now correctly receive a magic item from Clan rewards if the Army increases.

Patch Notes

  • Item activation for melee units will be shown on the target tile instead of the Troop tile
  • Item activations of Troops will be updated only when Troops move relative to each other but not when moving to the next stage. This will prevent players from losing optimized combos like when P.E.K.K.A’s Dual Blade is no longer active when progressing to the next stage when it was active in the previous stage
  • Bomb Miner’s Bomb while using Rush will explode during the player’s regular attack
  • Changed amount of enemy Spear Goblins per tile to two. This change gives Goblin Huts a better chance of spawning their worth
  • Fixed an issue where shocked and frozen enemies progressed two turns at once when the effect ends
  • SCID Friends will now correctly show up again
  • Fixed an issue with Bomb Miner’s Bombs taking an extra turn to explode when using Charge
  • Fixed an issue with Bomb Miner’s Bombs not exploding if the board is cleared due to an enemy attack
  • Fixed an issue with Rally Horn causing Crew to stack below the Dungeon grid when continuing from an empty board on a previous attempt
  • Fixed Troop health bars briefly re-appearing when attacking
  • Fixed a random crash that occurred at the end of a level
  • Fixed Runes triggering before all Troops hit and destroyed by Papa Dragon. Issue caused Prince and Giant to appear as if they were attacking your own Crew
  • Fixed an issue where Bomb Miner’s damage multiplier was not properly calculated when using Rush
  • Fireball explosions will properly display when reviewing a replay at 4x speed
  • A broken rendering performance optimizer that caused extra battery drain has been fixed

Clash Quest Update 6 is available on Android and iOS.

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