Blue Mammoth Games has featured a new legend in Brawlhalla Patch 6.00. The legend in question is Mugen, the Raven. She has a deadly Six String Scythe and is equipped with a Lethal Lute Bow as well. Moreover, she comes in with three new skins, the Magpie Munin, the Hugin, and Dj Hugin - all of which can be purchased in Mallhalla.

New Features
Aside from the new Legend, the latest update has also introduced several new features. First is the new Emoji system that allows you to communicate with your buddies using cute Emojis. These can be used in between matches and in the lobby.
The Emojis can be activated by pressing a particular key/button (depending on the platform). Alternatively, you can type specific keywords to use them. For example, typing “GG” will automatically use the GG Emoji.
There are a few things to keep in mind. There will be a cooldown timer if you’ve used Emojis consistently in a short time. Furthermore, if you happen to mute a player, the Emoji they use will not be visible to you.
Another neat new feature is the ability for you to invite someone you’ve brawled with recently to a Ranked 2v2 match. This can be done from the Scoreboard screen by using either the Lobby menu or Inspect menu.
Anyway, the developers wanted everyone to enjoy Brawlhalla fairly, so they improved the game’s security. During this month, they will be testing the new Easy Anti-Cheat system. Its protection will encompass both ranked queues and tournament lobbies. It is important to note that those on PC must use 64-bit OS for this to work.
Patch Notes
- Mugen, the Raven
- Magpie Munin
- Hugin
- DJ Hugin skins
- Emojis
- Invite to Lobby
- Easy Anti-Cheat system
- Updated the icon of the language setting
- Updated the Steam status to more accurately display its steps when launching the game
- Players who are not involved in Sudden Death during a matchmaking game will now receive a notification for when it is safe for them to quit without penalty. Exceptions: You can’t leave early if a local guest is still playing, and you will not receive a notification if you are grouped up with a remote client
- Power Rankings have been updated for Summer 2021
- Lowered the height of the Table and Table Pieces in the Brawldown game mode to be more level with the ground
- Fixed an issue where the controller settings screen would show unbindable directions that would go out of the window
- Fixed a bug that could cause Elo not to be adjusted following a match
- Fixed Hattori’s misaligned forearm in her character select animation
Brawlhalla Patch 6.00 is now available on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PC, Android, and iOS.