Aero Tales Online: The World Level Cap Increased in Latest Update

Aero Tales Online: The World
Aero Tales Online: The World Steam

Aero Tales Online: The World is an anime MMORPG that features a fantastic PvP and PvE experience. One of the title’s highlights is its battle system which allows players to execute stylish combos. On top of that, each class in the game has its own combat style and set of items to make them unique. Players might love this game as it holds plenty of events every day, including ranked arena battles, raids, and sudden wars, among many others!

Lately, the developers launched a new update that increases the level cap to 100. This gives players something to strive for, especially those who want to get their characters a lot stronger than others.

Those who are unlucky in opening the Lucky Boxes in Aero Tales Online may be happy with a recent change. That’s because the developers increased the odds of all Lucky Boxes by a little bit. Players looking for a specific item from the Lucky Boxes may likely get what they want now.

For pets, Level 40 evolutions have been added to all collect/attack pets. Additionally, the damage of all attack pets has increased after evolution, so players should look into evolving their pets after applying this update.

Those interested to know the other changes in this patch can read the most important stuff below:

  • Added extra character UI slots for mask costume, weapon costume, and mount.
  • On the computer side, the cooldown colors of the skills have been changed to green.
  • Demilune now affects the overall defense, so the % rates have been reduced accordingly.
  • Fixed walking speed bug with the flying mechanic.
  • Adjustments have been made to prohibited words.
  • Extra stats gained due to jobs have been restored and stat limit bugs have been fixed.
  • The Collect pets settings panel has been changed and localized.
  • Fixed the issue of appearing late when equipping/reviving pets.
  • The location of the chest on the Pirate Ship Home map has been relocated near the exit portal.
  • Seeds can be placed by right-clicking on farm slots.
  • Aero Guard Network9 (AGN9) improvements have been made.
  • Changed the minimum level requirements of some quests.
  • Added a new 16 level side quest.
  • Reduced the chance of bosses getting stunned.
  • Updated monster positions, slot counts, and map panel.
  • The levels of Redsand Desert and pyramid creatures have been lowered.
  • Added monster locations to maps.
  • Raid logins are limited to 3 times per player per day, Guild Leaders can still start a raid for their members after they joined 3 times too.
  • Ranked Arena winners will be given the < Arena King > tag for 1 month at the end of the month.
  • Removed mount riding in Ranked Arena.

Aero Tales Online: The World is available on Android and PC.

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