World of Warships Introduces New System to Ranked Battles

Prepare for the new season.
Prepare for the new season. Wargaming

World of Warships is all set to launch Season 2 of its Ranked Battles. It’s not just a new season since there’s also going to be a new system. That means it is a good time to try out Ranked Battles for those who haven’t.

In the game, Ranked Battles follows a 7v7 format and is different when compared to Random Battles. Rewards, for example, are offered in the form of Doubloons and Steel.

Key Features

Under the new system, players can expect the Ranked Battles seasons to be done regularly with some breaks in between each one. Random and co-op battles are still available but Ranked Battles are always open except during low-activity periods.

Each season is divided into different Sprints with each lasting around one to three weeks. Besides, each season offers three leagues: Bronze, Silver, and Gold. To enter the next league, players need to obtain Rank 1 in the current league and then qualify.

To understand how that works, let’s say a player is currently at Silver and manages to reach Rank 1. If that player qualifies for Gold, then the player starts the next Sprint at the lowest rank of Gold. Otherwise, the player starts the new Sprint at the lowest rank of Silver.

Generally, the Bronze league allows players to move to a more leisurely pace. Silver offers bigger rewards but may need a bit of an effort. Gold has the best rewards yet reserved for seasoned players. Basically, the higher the league the player is in, the better the rewards.

Overall, to qualify for the next league, players have to move through 10 ranks and pass the qualification.


For each new sprint, rewards are both updated and refreshed. Even if players don’t make it to the next league, they still get the rewards, which includes Steel and Doubloons.

Other rewards include Bronze, Silver, and Gold expendable camouflages given in their corresponding leagues. Players who manage to get Rank 1 also get these achievements:

  • Jolly Roger - Bronze League
  • Jolly Roger - Silver League
  • Jolly Roger - Gold League

Learn more about Ranked Battles here.

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