The Revenant Prime Access for Warframe is now available on all platforms, thanks to the recently released Hotfix 32.0.9.
In this Prime Access, players will not only get Revenant Prime but two new weapons as well. The first is the Tatsu Prime - the primed version of the original Tatsu two-handed sword. Tatsu Prime can easily be distinguished by its bright blue glow at the middle area of the blade and gold accents on the hilt. What’s more, this weapon grows powerful when wielded by Revenant himself, increasing the Soul Swarm charges from five to nine.

The second weapon featured in the Revenant Prime Access is the Phantasma Prime. This beam shotgun is still fun to use; only this time, it’s more stylish than ever. Just like the Tatsu Prime, this weapon gets better with a slight boost in ammo capacity when wielded by Revenant or Revenant Prime.
Aside from the Revenant Prime Access, Nights of Naberus returns with new horrifying customizations, including:
- Revenant In Action Glyph
- Revenant Vania Helmet Blueprint
- Haunted Interior Decorations
- Jack O’Naut Statue
- Sheev Blueprint
- Sheev Blade
- Sheev Hilt
- Sheev Heatsink
- Plague Akwin Blueprint
- Plague Keewar Blueprint
- Plague Bokwin Blueprint
- Plague Kripath Blueprint
- Exodia Contagion
- Exodia Epidemic

According to Digital Extremes, the Plague Blueprints and Exodia Arcanes have been added to Daughter’s Naberus Offerings in this update because the Plague Star event will not be rerun this year.
Patch Notes
- Revenant’s Reave ability changes:
- Reave will now scale with sprint speed for both distance traveled and speed while in Reave.
- Reave can now be interrupted by jumping, which preserves your forward momentum.
- Note: The above changes were made to allow more movement-focused builds!
- Nova’s Neutron Star Augment Changes:
- Added line of sight (LOS) requirement to its AOE explosions and for the Stars to find targets, ignored for the first 5 meters
- Reduced explosion radius from 16m to 8m.
- Reduced the Mastery Rank restriction of all Prime Warframes to 0.
- Only 11/34 frames had any Mastery Rank restrictions, so we decided to make these consistent with the rest (there were no Mastery Rank restrictions on any non-Primed Warframes).
- The autocomplete feature when linking someone’s username in the chat is no longer case-sensitive.
- Fixed loss of function when attempting to mount a Rampart while flying on Kahl’s Hellion Jetpack in the Prison Break mission.
- Fixed contact actions being disabled after running out of Hellion Jetpack fuel.
- Fixed the Genestamp waypoint not appearing in certain areas of the Prison Break mission tileset.
- Fixed a black square floating along one of the walls in the Sneaky Sabotage mission.
- Fixed Kahl’s Boltor Grattler doing inconsistent damage to the Wolf of Saturn Six when aiming under his feet in the Prison Break mission.
So, what can you say about Revenant Prime Access?
Warframe Hotfix 32.0.9 is available on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, Nintendo Switch, and PC.