Things Are Heating Up With The Dauntless Scorched Earth Escalation

Things heat up.
Things heat up. Phoenix Labs

Dauntless launched its newest Escalation with Scorched Earth. It's going to offer new amps and new Behemoth variants. There's even going to be a new king of the hill.

In Dauntless, an Escalation is a way for players to fight behemoths. Basically, players fight Behemoths through multiple rounds until they reach the end boss. So what does Scorched Earth offer? For starters, it's not only going to be a new Escalation hunt as there are also going to be new tropical and volcanic environments.

For this one, players need to prepare for Behemoths that have been warped by charged blaze aether. Watch out for Gnashers that spout fireballs and Quillshots that have explosive quills. There are also the Rezakiri with what appears to be "lava beams."

If you managed to get through all that, then be ready to take on the boss Torgadoro. This one is going to be the biggest Behemoth ever and has the strength to match it. You've heard of the saying "the bigger they are the harder they fall," but don't let that fool you. Torgadoro may not be able to take to the air, but can be quick when needed. This is also going to be the first Behemoth that takes advantage of the environment.

Since there are new Behemoths, expect some weapons to help you. This time around there are new legendary weapons. That means these weapons are going to have two prismatic cell slots, weapon bonding, and a powerful legendary ability.

There's also a new Hunt Pass titled as Searing Pass. This latest version also gives players more ways to earn Hunter Pass XP. This means it's going to be a bit easier to reach level 50 and get the vault rewards.

The Hunter Pass has a free track which offers its own rewards. Players can also go for the Elite Track to earn new rewards along with these perks:

  • 50 levels of in-game rewards
  • Two bonus loot rolls at the end of each hunt
  • 50% boost to earned Mastery XP
  • Four extra Vault coins on each Prestige level

There's also the Elite Track Bundle which has everything in the Elite Tracks along with 15 level skips.

If you're ready to take the heat then head on over to Dauntless and tackle the Behemoths head on.

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