They Are Billions Makes It Out Of Early Access With A New Full-Length Campaign

Spanning 48 missions, ‘The New Empire’ is They Are Billions’ grand campaign.
They Are Billions breaks out of Early Access with version 1.0.
They Are Billions breaks out of Early Access with version 1.0. Numantian Games

They Are Billions, a zombie survival RTS, is finally out of Early Access, and celebrates its official version 1.0 release with a full-length campaign spanning 48 missions.

Now that They Are Billions is officially out of Early Access, its main campaign titled The New Empire will be available to all players. Prior to They Are Billions version 1.0, players could only access the game’s skirmish maps and smaller campaigns. With the official release, They Are Billions now includes a 48-mission campaign featuring new locations and new technologies while telling the tale of They Are Billions’ own rendition of how the zombie apocalypse came to be.

Alongside the update, developer Numantian Games also released the game’s first DLC – a collection of artwork and the game’s soundtrack for fans of the title to enjoy and appreciate. The DLC Soundtrack & Artbook includes 22 of They Are Billions’ themes and songs ‘at the highest quality’ alongside the digital artbook entitled The Art of They Are Billions, featuring sketches, illustrations, and concept art for the game.

They Are Billions is a unique twist to the zombie survival genre featuring elements of city building and tower defense strategy with the looming threat of endless zombie hordes. In They Are Billions, players will have to effectively manage resources, train soldiers, and fortify their position to survive wave after wave of zombies.

Developed and published by Numantian Games, They Are Billions has been in development since late 2017. Now, nearly two years later, They Are Billions officially launches out of Early Access and becomes a full-fledged video game title with its own dedicated following and fanbase. They Are Billions is currently available on PC via Steam, with a console release to Xbox One and PlayStation 4 planned for later this year, possibly sometime in July.

More recently, developer Numantian Games released a small patch bringing the game to version 1.0.5. Apart from a handful of bug fixes and performance improvements, They Are Billions version 1.0.5 also includes some quality of life additions regarding game difficulty, time-limited missions, hero missions, and the in-game tech tree for the New Empire campaign.

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