The Sims 4: Customizable Pronouns are Here

A new feature.
A new feature. EA

It took a while, but The Sims 4 players will be happy with customizable pronouns now available. There was a lot of talk about this new feature, and it seems many were surprised by its sudden release.

Exciting as this new feature is, there is a bit of a limitation. Players can only customize the pronouns of their Sims’ in Create-A-Sim as long as their game client has been set to English.

For non-English speaking players, not to worry since this is just the first version. The development team revealed that they plan to "update and expand this feature over time." English is merely the start, and the team shared that they'll see how this feature evolves over time to allow support for more languages.

Customizing Pronouns

How does one set customizing pronouns for their Sims? The first step is to go to Create-A-Sim and then choose "Hello, my name and pronouns are..." This should open up an input screen where the section for pronouns is.

For this first version, the choices are:

  • They/Them
  • She/Her
  • He/Him
  • Custom

Yes, there is a "Custom" option, and it is for pronouns not included in the list of choices. That means players can create custom versions by putting in the Subjective, Objective, Possessive Dependent, Possessive Independent, and Reflexive forms of the pronouns they wish to use.

Those who think this is a bit complicated shouldn't worry since there are examples in the window. Once players manage to input the pronouns they prefer, it's then saved to their Sims and the game immediately updates to use the correct pronouns where possible.

Version One

As mentioned, this is the first version of this feature, so expect some bugs. For example, there will be instances when gendered language is still present. However, this is still a work in progress, and the team promised to look into areas that need improvement.

In addition, should there be cases when the wrong pronoun is displayed, players are requested to report them.

You can learn more about the new feature here.

What do you think? Is this a good feature?

The Sims 4 is available on PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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