Sega Announces New Fantasy Action Title SolSeraph, Will Be Released On July 10

Part 2D side-scroller and part city sim/tower defense title.
SEGA and ACE Team surprise announces SolSeraph, which is set to get a multiplatform release on July 10.
SEGA and ACE Team surprise announces SolSeraph, which is set to get a multiplatform release on July 10. SEGA

Surprises abound for fans of ACE Team as the developer, along with publisher Sega, announced a new title from out of the blue – SolSeraph, a hybrid action title that is set for a multiplatform release this July 10.

ACE Team is best known for their work on the oddly engaging Rock of Ages, as well as the highly-stylized first-person beat ‘em up title Zeno Clash. SolSeraph is a new IP, one that’s set in a divine fantasy setting and plays both as a 2D side-scrolling action game as well as a city-building/management tower defense game. It’s a very weird combination, but it does make me want to know more about it, especially as the announcement came out of nowhere. Check out the trailer for SolSeraph below, which shows off some of the gameplay we can expect.

SolSeraph lets you play as an almighty and divine being who is tasked with rebuilding civilization while protecting its people from constant threats like mythical demons and monsters. The setting plays very much like an ancient Greek story, where in the beginning, only Chaos reigned. This continued until Sky Father and Earth Mother drove the Chaos away and made the world, and everything else in it. Afterwards, they created Humankind, and left them to their devices so that they can grow freely on their own.

However, things start to spiral out of hand due to the Younger Gods cruelty and arrogance, leading them to torment humans with fires, storms, and floods, until all the tribes were scattered across the land, struggling for survival. Your role as Helios, Knight of Dawn and child of both god and man, is to come to humanity’s aid and help them survive.

Gameplay is split between an action side-scroller and a city management/tower defense title. In the action side-scrolling sections, you play as Helios himself as he confronts a range of enemies including goblins, beastmen, bat riders, and more on his way to facing the Younger God that control these creatures. In the other mode, you will help shape a village by utilizing a range of different units, from production of houses and farms, to supporting the population, to building barracks to train warriors and archers in the defense of their growing township.

SolSeraph will be released for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC and Nintendo Switch on July 10.

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