Red Dead Online Weekly Update: Bonuses for Hunting and Crafting

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Looks like another one of those small updates.
Looks like another one of those small updates. Rockstar Games

Looks like it’s another lean update this week for Red Dead Online. While lean, it's still quite generous since the update is all about the makers. These are for those who continue to improvise and the ones who track game.

This week, players who craft items at a Campfire get to receive three Collectibles that they can trade with Madam Nazar. That’s not all as crafting in Gus’ Store gives a Reward for a Free Hat (below Rank 15) along with an offer good for 50% off any pair of Boots. Meanwhile, players who buy any Pamphlet get them a Treasure Map that’s sure to direct them to a rather valuable haul.

Speaking of Gus Store, all clothing items that are crafted here can be obtained at 40% off. Game hunters on the other hand get a 30% discount on Trinkets and Improved Bow variants.

Players who log in to the game starting today until February 1 get rewarded with 5X Gun Oil and 50 Small Game Arrows. This should be a good help especially when out in the wilds.

This brings us to the discounts offered at the Wheeler, Rawson & Co. We did say earlier that it’s not much of an update right? The discounts this week are just:

  • Weapon Crafting Pamphlets and The Fishing Rod (30% off).
  • Bow, Improved Bow, and Tonic Crafting Pamphlets (40% off).
  • Fishing Lures (50% off)
  • Predator Baits and Herbivore Baits (50% off).

Prime Gaming

This week, Prime Gaming members get to receive these Rewards:

  • A Free Bounty Hunter License.
  • An Award for the Trimmed Amethyst Bounty Wagon Livery.

Players who connect to Prime Gaming before February 15 get these goodies:

  • Offers for half off the LeMat Revolver.
  • A Poncho of their choice.
  • Offer for a free Off-Hand Holster.
  • 100 rounds each of High Velocity and Explosive Revolver Cartridges.

Learn more about Prime Gaming here.

Update Rumors

A report revealed leaks of Rockstar Games' possible plan for Red Dead Online. It seems that bank robberies may be introduced to the game. If it does happen, lots of players are sure to be happy for they’ve been requesting this feature since launch. When it comes to leaks though, there’s always a caveat because it may not really be released or a different one.

But if true, it would answer the question of why we’ve been getting small updates so far.

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