Phasmophobia: Exposition Update 0.3.0 Introduces Sprint Rework

Exposition Update 0.3.0
Exposition Update 0.3.0 Steam

The much-awaited Exposition update for Phasmophobia is now available. It introduces many new things, including the sprint rework and new ghost types.

Sprint Rework

The Exposition Update 0.3.0 introduced the new sprint rework that fans have been clamoring for. It is a known fact that the overall movement speed in the game back then was slow. So much that players have made various forum posts regarding the issue.

Fortunately, developer Kinetic Games improved this mechanic in the latest update. Now, you can sprint for three seconds at an increased speed, with a recharge time of five seconds.

The sprint speed prior to the update will now be the new walk speed, which means that traversing different areas in the game should be faster than before.

New Ghost Types

The devs have added new ghost types in Goryo and Myling into the game. Aside from that, players will have new equipment that they can use to find a new evidence type: the DOTS Projector. As a result, all ghost types have their evidence changed.

Patch Highlights

  • VR Teleporting: To replicate sprinting we've added an inner and outer UI circle to represent teleport range (walking/sprinting), these will adjust in size depending on how far the player has chosen to teleport
  • Electronic equipment will now alert the ghost of your position during a hunt (similar to voice). Turn them off before hiding!
  • Hunts now affect all electronic equipment with new sounds and visuals
  • The parabolic microphone now allows you to hear "paranormal sounds" when aimed towards the ghost
  • You can now enable Head Bob in the settings
  • During a hunt, equipment and lights will only be affected when in range of the ghost
  • Random ghost footsteps can now only be heard with a Parabolic Microphone
  • Glowsticks glow for 30 seconds then fade over the next 30 seconds
  • The spirit box text has been replaced with icons to show if the ghost is responding
  • The Ghost will no longer be visible at the start of the hunt until it starts moving
  • Player hand skin color will now change based on the character you're playing as
  • Fixed a bug where ghost events would only lower host’s sanity
  • Fixed a common multiplayer crash for the host on Asylum in multiplayer
  • Fixed a bug where you could force the ghost to end the hunt using voice recognition

If you want to learn more about Exposition, head over to the game’s official Steam page.

So, what can you say about the latest update, particularly the sprint rework and new ghost types?

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