Victoria 3 New Music Pack Tells the Story of the Masses

Enjoy new music.
Enjoy new music. Paradox Interactive

The newest music pack for Victoria 3 is now available. Titled “Melodies for the Masses,” it takes inspiration from the simple but hard lives experienced by workers and farmers way before they were called to a new kind of labor by cities and factories. This almost hour-long collection is being offered at $4.99.

The songs tell the story of how peasant and farm life during the 19th century evolved. It was during this period when the hard but natural rhythms of life are slowly disrupted by new modes of living. This was because, at this time, rural workers were willing to take risks that gave the promise of a better and richer life. This life is colored by melancholy as the world they knew is slowly being transformed.

Update 1.2

Aside from a new music pack, players can also experience changes from Update 1.2, including:

  • Buildings can now have Government Shares, which will pay money (or subtract losses) directly into the treasury relative to building profits and government ownership share.
  • Added new economic law Cooperative Ownership, which requires Council Republic and now unlocks Workers' Co-ops production methods instead of Council Republic doing so directly.
  • Command Economy now makes it so all private sector buildings have only government shares, and only pay out government dividends.
  • In-Game Music Player.
  • New Lens interaction and context menu options to reset the Production Methods of a state, building, or building type to national standards..
  • Technology research queue.
  • Markets now have a Land Trade Capacity, which allows trade routes between adjacent markets to trade a limited number of goods without needing to use convoys.

Players should also be excited about these performance improvements:

  • Optimized country trends to reduce memory usage.
  • Optimized Pop Need caches to reduce memory usage.
  • Optimization of Trade Route map interaction code to eliminate lag spikes.
  • Optimized building map markers when constructing buildings in a state with a lot of Turmoil.
  • Optimizations to pollution VFX particle counts.
  • Improved performance when adding new buildings to the bottom of a very large construction queue.
  • Increased the cutoff for what qualifies as a very small pop that should be merged into larger pops for performance reasons.

Victoria 3 is available on PC.

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