Marvel’s Avengers Launching Newest Operation on March 18

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Learn more about the future. Square Enix

Marvel’s Avengers is launching its latest Operation on March 18 and it’s set to feature Clint Barton, better known as Hawkeye. Operation: Hawkeye – Future Imperfect is free and available to all platforms.

It’s not all heroes since this new content also introduces a new villain - Maestro. This is a version of the Hulk that has the strength and brains of Bruce Banner. But the character has been driven mad by what he’s seen, which turned him into a villain.

The Story So Far

The story follows that of Operation: Kate Bishop – Taking AIM. Clint was first revealed here after being rescued by Kate from what looked to be a plan by AIM to manipulate time.

For the new Operation, we get to learn more about what happened in Clint’s search for Nick Fury. The person he believes can stop whatever AIM is doing. However, what he finds instead is AIM Scientist Supreme Monica Rappaccini developing a new weapon that could change the future. Clint also becomes involved in some time-bending experiment and ends up in the future where Earth has been destroyed by what appears to be cosmic forces and inhabited by Maestro.

Ranged and Melee

Considering that Clint was Kate’s mentor, they have some similarities in terms of skill set through their styles differ. Kate, for example, can blink in battle to deliver multiple strikes to different enemies. Clint, meanwhile, is not afraid to stand his ground while taking down opponents with precise hits.

When it comes to bows and arrows, Clint is the top dog in the Marvel universe. Yet don't underestimate him since he's got excellent swordsmanship developed mainly during his time as Ronin. This makes him dangerous in both close combat and ranged combat.

Clint’s Heroics

In Marvel’s Avengers , Heroics is a gameplay mechanics that characters can use and divided into support, assault, and ultimate. As one may expect, Clint’s Heroics are based on different types of arrows.

The Assault Heroic is the Nightstorm Arrow which is launched to the air and then brings down a host of projectiles. His Support Heroic is the Recovery Arrow that releases nanobots and restores the willpower of his allies.

Finally, the Ultimate Heroic is his Hunter’s Arrow. This is an AI-guided arrow that flies across the battlefield and pierces targets. It can be upgraded to allow two to be fired at one time. The upgrade also adds explosive charges or even focus damage.

Arriving at the same time as the new Operation is a version that’s available for the next-gen consoles. Read about it here.

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