Marvel Comics Teases Revival Of Dead Character With Stinging Warning

The latest Marvel Comics teaser of who will return from the dead.
The latest Marvel Comics teaser of who will return from the dead. Marvel Comics

Marvel Comics is coming off the finale of its Secret Wars event (finally) and are revving up towards Civil War 2 to start 2016 but between the two major events the publisher is laying the groundwork for a return from the dead.

Earlier this week, Marvel Comics teased the return of a character in a teaser that read “Dead No More.”

Marvel Comics' first teaser for returning character.
Marvel Comics' first teaser for returning character. Marvel Comics

And that led to plenty of speculation among readers. Will the original Wolverine return? How about Jean Grey? There’s plenty of “dead” comic book characters that could be revived but the second teaser released by Marvel this week gives another hint as to the identity of this returning character.

As you can read from the above image, the second Marvel teaser says “Best Beware My Sting.”

This is a line from Shakespeare’s Taming of the Shrew and the color scheme of black and yellow would make fans think of The Wasp. However, Janet Van Dyne is no longer “dead” after being discovered in a pocket universe during Avengers vs X-Men so it can’t be her.

With the color scheme and the “sting” in the teaser the soon-to-be revived character is likely part of the Ant-Man family and as CBR speculates, Eric O’Grady may be the likely candidate to return after his death in Secret Avengers in 2012 as the new Wasp or Yellowjacket.

If you know Marvel Comics, this won’t be the last teaser so stay with iDigitalTimes to get the latest in who will be coming back to life in 2016. In the meantime, let us know your guesses in the comments section.

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