MapleStory M Celebrates Third Anniversary with Angelic Buster

Look who's here.
Look who's here. Nexon

The third anniversary of MapleStory M was last May but the celebrations aren't done yet. There’s still a lot of events happening, not to mention a new character joining the game.

Before we take a closer look into those, there are some changes to the gameplay. For example, when a new character reaches level 10, they get rewards for completing missions. New users, meanwhile, can get treasure boxes to power up and obtain legendary items. In addition, new and returning players get to enjoy bonus items when using the payment option.

Meet the New Character

Angelic Buster is a disgraced Nova after being born without magic or a tail. However, she did manage to inherit the powers of one Eskalade, an ancient dragon that lived inside an ancient relic of Pantheon.

Angelic Buster enters the fray equipped with the Soul Shooter, a dragon-shaped arm cannon. This allows her to blast waves of enemies easily. She also has a second slot that holds the power of Eskalade through a special ring known as Soul Ring.

Anniversary Events

As mentioned, there are new events for players to join and these are:

  • Crafting Merry-Go Round Event
    • Hunt for materials from dungeons which can then be used to upgrade merry-go-round for as much as four ranks.
    • Players can also have their own customized chair with the chance to get a fancy chair.
  • Magical Land Parade Event
    • Players who log in during the event get an all-time buff for all characters in the world where the buff is activated.
  • ​Coin Drop Event
    • During the event, all hunting has the chance for a coin drop.
    • This can be used to buy items at the Magical Land Coin Shop.
  • ​Jumping Cloud Cat Event
    • This is a special game where players navigate riding a cloud cat to eat bubbles resulting in coins.
  • ​Angelic Buster’s Dressing Room
    • Special fabric dropped during the event can be exchanged with an NPC to create a dress.
    • Players can also customize the looks of their style items throughout the event.
  • ​Angelic Buster’s Concert Hall
    • Players get extra EXP when attending Angelic Buster’s Concert Hall where users can listen to her songs.
  • Water Splash Event
    • Players get three free tickets for this mini-game and are rewarded for dodging various items in a fixed amount of time.
  • Mr. Kim’s Gift Event
    • Characters above level 100 get a surprise gift when interacting with Mr. Kim and entering inventory.
    • This gift is limited once per account.
  • Sunshine Point Event
    • When consuming crystals, players are awarded Sunshine Points that offer them extra rewards through the achievement system.
  • Clash! Slimeshot Event
    • A player vs. player balloon shooting mini-game contest that is available at any amusement park.

MapleStory M is available on Android and iOS.

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