Developer Riot Games has implemented substantial changes to the popular ARAM game mode in League of Legends Patch 12.23.
For those who are new to League of Legends, ARAM stands for “All Random, All Mid.” This game mode is where each player gets a random Champion with everyone converging in the middle of the Howling Abyss map, hence the name.
Anyway, one of the major additions to ARAM that players will find in Patch 12.23 is the Frostgate. This will teleport players from the safety of the Nexus straight to the dangers that await them at the outer tower.
Once the opposing team has advanced further and the player’s first tower is destroyed, the Frostgate will immediately link to the player’s Inhibitor Tower for the remainder of the match.
Another notable change in ARAM is that the outer towers now leave a pile of rubble once they’re destroyed. This serves as new terrain that breaks from the traditional straight line of ARAM. Now, players have to think about how they can advance with the new choke points created by the rubble. According to the company, this was done to keep the gameplay in this mode exciting.
Besides the changes on ARAM, some items also received balancing adjustments in the latest update. For example, Ravenous Hydra’s Omnivamp has been removed because this item was just too powerful in its previous state relative to the total cost of making it.
Patch Notes
- Brush Changes
- Brushing Up: There is now one new brush in the middle bottom side of the bridge. The brushes between the outer and inhibitor turrets have also increased in size.
- Bridge Repairs
- Under Repair: The gaps on the bottom side of the bridge have been filled in and are now traversable
- Battle Boost QoL Updates
- Not so Fast: Players will no longer be able to activate Battle Boosts within the last 10 seconds of champion select
- You’re Welcome: Allies will now be able to tell which player gifted their team a Battle Boost
- S-Rank Chest Visibility
- Master them All! Players will now be able to see which champions they have not yet received S-Rank Chests for in ARAM champion select
- Nerfs
- Heartsteel Maximum health gained: 10% of damage dealt > 5% of damage dealt
- Mosstomper
- Tenacity buff duration reduced to 1.5 seconds
- Tenacity Type: Item (additive with item tenacity) > Champion (multiplicative with item tenacity)
- Ravenous Hydra
- AoE Splash Damage: 60% AD for melee champions /30% AD for ranged champions > 50% AD for melee champions/25% AD for ranged champions
- Sunfire Aegis
- Combine Cost: 1000 > 900
- Total Cost: 2800 > 2700
- Health: 400 > 500
What can you say about the recent tweaks made to ARAM? Do you think the Ravenous Hydra nerf is justified?
As the first snow falls in Runeterra, so begins the season of Polaris. ❄️
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Spread joy or woe with new Winterblessed skins, emotes, chromas—and for the first time ever—ARAM Clash on Dec 10-11(Totally free to enter!)
League of Legends Patch 12.23 is now available on PC.