Knights of Honor II: Sovereign Patch 1.2.0 Adds Steam Workshop Support

Knights of Honor II: Sovereign
Knights of Honor II: Sovereign Steam

Players can now download mods for the grand strategy game Knights of Honor II: Sovereign via the Steam Workshop! Patch 1.2.0 also makes it possible for players to activate multiple mods simultaneously.

Developer Black Sea Games made fundamental changes to how mods work in Knights of Honor II: Sovereign Patch 1.2.0 as well. Now, mods can be defined without copying the game’s moddable folders. This just means that modders now have complete freedom in defining the changes they want to make.

It’s also important to mention that the game’s mods are now placed in a different folder, so players who have used mods in the past will have to migrate them all into the new location after updating.

Speaking of mods, some are worth taking a look at. Vlad’s Balance Mod just makes Knights of Honor II: Sovereign even more challenging because the creator has increased all building and upgrade costs, which can be felt as the game progresses. Furthermore, all structures take more time to build and most actions have longer preparation times. Those who think the game is easy should try this one out!

Conversely, those who are still learning the game’s mechanics may want to download and try the Example Mod. That’s because changing governors is instant with this mod active. Besides that, militia/advanced militia now only costs one population, with housing and Market Square buildings costing 10 times less gold. This is a good mod for those who are new to Knights of Honor II: Sovereign.

Here are the other changes in Patch 1.2.0:

  • Characters and towns can now be renamed. To do so, press F2 while you have a character or town selected (the keybind can be changed in the game’s settings). This can also be done while hovering on a character’s portrait/name in the UI.
  • Mercenaries and rebels on your side can now also be set as reinforcements for an ongoing battle and will reliably do so.
  • AI no longer sends weak armies against much stronger rebel forces.
  • Pacts no longer end when their members declare war against each other. Instead, only supporters that got hostile are removed from the pact.
  • Added a handful of diplomacy reaction commentaries for relation changes, related to changing your kingdom's religion. Information about which relations were changed due to changing your kingdom’s religion has also been added to the action’s success message.
  • The “Construct new buildings” reminder message now resets also when you expand one of your towns by unlocking a building slot. The message has been reworded to reflect this change. Also, the cooldown of the reminder message is increased.
  • Religious tension is now shown with an icon alongside a province's piety income, in the Province Overview window.
  • Occupied provinces are now highlighted in the province overview window with a striped background across the entire row.

Knights of Honor II: Sovereign Patch 1.2.0 is available on PC.

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