Hearthstone Masters Tour Seoul: Felkeine Takes Home Crown

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New champion crowned at Seoul.
New champion crowned at Seoul. Blizzard

In a Grand Finals match that saw two French Hearthstone players go head-to-head, Théo “Felkeine“ Dumont defeated Martin “Zhym” Prêté to win the championship at the recently concluded Masters Tour Seoul. The finals game was truly one for the books with both players making use of Highlander Mage mirror match and often casted the same cards back-to-back.

However it was when Zhym made the decision to take chances with Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron that allowed Felkeine to win the final game.

For those not familiar, Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron is an epic mage spell introduced in the Saviors of Uldum expansion. What the spell does is that at the cost of 10 mana, it casts 10 random spells with targets chosen randomly.

Zhym playing the card was not that surprising given that a number of players had used that particular card during the course of the tournament and have been saved by it.

Felkeine had played a total of 23 Mage mirrors on the way to the Masters garnering a 73.9% success rate. He had mainly been streaming, so his wins managed to turn quite a few heads. In addition to the prize money and the championship trophy, there is the chance that he might become one of the European Grandmasters by the end of the year.

That the Grand Finals of the tournament had two French players is not that much of a surprise. By the time the tournament was down to its top eight players, half were from France and there were no players from North America. What made this even more exciting was that Euneil “Staz” Javinas was the only Grandmaster to have reached this stage of the competition.

The Masters Tour Seoul is the second stop on the Hearthstone Masters Tour. This three day tournament offered participants a prize pool of $500,000. The first stop was in Las Vegas and was held in June. US player David "Dog" Caero of Team Liquid took home the top prize. The third stop of the Masters Tour is Bucharest, with the tournament scheduled to begin this coming October.

The Hearthstone Master Tour Seoul has a total of 324 players representing 54 countries. Half of those players had participated in the Masters Tour Las Vegas.

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